No support for PHPBB

Discussion in 'Third-party applications' started by marshill, Apr 10, 2006.

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  1. Trying to install PHPBB on your account?
    Want to connect to MSSQL?

    "The PHP configuration on your server doesn't support the database type that you chose"

    sorry, not supported here. ALl you can do is an ODBC connection, which is not recommended.

    this is the first hosting provider I have enountered with such a limitation imposed on PHP. Sadly, it forces me to cancel my account because I require phpbb on my site.
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Unfortunately, the direct SQL connection is not supported with PHP.

    To be very honest, we do NOT specialized with PHP hosting but rather ASP.NET hosting. PHP is provided to allow customers to transit from PHP application to ASP.NET.

    If you are just looking for PHP hosting, you should go with a UNIX host because you have more flexibility and control with PHP on Apache.

    BTW, recently there are a lot of security issues with PHPBB


    and many web hosts banned phpBB


    We stopped recommending people to PHPBB
  3. thanks, Bruce. I am looking for good forum software. I cant find any forum package anywhere near as robust as Vbulletin or PHPBB.

    for example,i cant find any .NET forum package that has visual confirmation for guests, or visual confirmation for new registrations (to protect from Spam bots or registration bots).
    Also, list permissions. I need forums that offer PUBLIC the ability to "list" the topic titlesunder a forum category, but not be able to read them w/o registering.
    These are just 2 nifty features that you can find on the all-popular PHP forum platforms yet not existent on the still baby-state of the .NET forums.

    unless you know of a forum package that I missed, that is in .NET which has those features I mentioned.
    sigh. :(
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    true.. PHPBB is one of the best forum software i've see. This is why the hackers are going after it because there are hundreds of thousands of of them installed all over the Internet.

    Have you check out Snitz? It is one of the more popular forum but I think it has its share of problem.
  5. mjp


    I just did a test install of snitz, and it's pretty lame. Overall, the asp/.net forum software packagesout thereare way behind their php counterparts. There's a market there waiting to be tapped for a good developer. ;)
  6. This might also be in the off-topic category, but I've found you can avoid a huge headache by using a hosted forum, as long as you're not TOO picky about customizing how your forum works.

    'Hosted' software is all the rage these days. is an example of a socially acceptable hosted blog (socially accepted in Internet terms; we're still nerds to everyone else)

    Why write (or integrate) from scratch, if someone else will do the dirty work for you?

    A simple 'integration' of a hosted forum would just be a link from your site (at to your forum (at A lot of them offer very advanced templating so your users will never know they 'left' your site.

    Here's an example, although I can't specifically recommend any hosted forum site:
  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    BTW... our network guys just told me that our Intrusion Protection System's (Tippingpoint by 3COM) second most popular attack it blocked is PHPBB expliot.

    The good news is that if you are running outdated PHPBB on our server, you are somewhat protected!!
  8. This is all well and good if you don't need user integration and you don't mind sending your customers totally off your own website. This really stinks to high heaven. Doesn't someone out there make a BB app that doesn't cost an arm and a leg that can be easily implemented?
  9. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Well.. there are plenty of forum that's free, it just depends on your preference

    - Snitz
    - PHPBB
    - ASP.NET Forum
  10. one of the other administrators just recommended NOT using PhpBB due to security issues and the problems with installing it on the webs. Snitz is an offsite system as I understand it. ASP.NET Forum is no longer free.

    So...what we are left with are things like Yet Another Forum or roll your own which I simply don't have time to devote to. I'd even be willing to pay some, but my website is barely covering costs so it can't be much.

    EFS llc
  11. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    PHPBB does have many security issue but they are pretty quick to fix it. The problem is that you have upgrade constantly to keep up.

    Snitz is a asp forum software you can download and installed on your site. Goto

    As for ASP.NET forum.. .i have no idea that they no longer provide this

    See this for a list of many forums
  12. Thanks, I will have to give YAF a try (from the list you sent me to). Snitz looks interesting but they really should go all the way and convert it to Snitz.NET. The ASP.NET Forum has been converted to a pay for play system for quite some time.
    Mike Schore
  13. mjp


    YAF and Snitz (which is a download, not a hosted service) and most other asp/ forums are not going to give you the flexibility of phpBB. I'm not exactly a fan of phpBB, but it's easy to install and upgrade.

    The original poster had a problem trying to use MS SQL, but if you set up a MySQL database you can have phpBB running in about five minutes.
  14. I've installed and like

    Easy to install. Can install update via their admin interface with a few clicks.

    I just moved from phpbb because it was too buggy.

    Though, it won't run with mssql, you need mysql.
  15. mjp


    I'll second Joel's SMF recommendation. I recently replaced an old Invision forum with SMF and it was a pleasure to work with.

    It is simple, they aren't kidding about that, but if you don't have extravagant forum requirements, SMF is a great little package.
  16. I have a domain name hosted by, but I haven't yet done anything with it. I am interested in using SMF to create a forum for my site hosted by discountASP.

    Will SMF run on the discountASP servers?
  17. i've run it on here. should be pretty easy to setup.
  18. Hi everyone.

    What is the final verdict on running phpbb3 here with mssql?

    Will it or will it not work? If so, can someone please guide me to a quickie on how to setup the database? Phpbb3 seems to support mssql, but am having trouble with the setup of the DB. I've setup mysql databases for phpbb3 in other hosts with very easy to use tools, but never a mssql.

    Thanks wisemx. Maybe I can finally get this resolved. :)

    Ok, in the MSSQL 2005 Database Manager is where I am at. Now I see all the following information: SQL Server Name, Database Name, Database Space, DatabaseLogin, the SQL Usage Meter, and Connection String.

    Over in the Access ODBC Tool, I have in big bold letters 'No DSNs exists.' I am assuming this is the main problem I am having. The 2 options I have are Data Source Name (which seems I can give it any name I want) and then I have Path to Access DB File. The Path to Access DB file is where I am stuck as it points out 'Path to Access DB File: \_database\example.mdb'

    Now back over in the DB manager, I do not see a path to the db anywhere. I checked through the top tabs of MS SQL 2005 Databases, Add SQL 2005 Database, Login Manager, and SQL Tool Suite and found no path. There is a lot of information in the Connection String section, but none of it resembles a path.

    So basically, I have no clue how to even get the path to the database to place it in the Create New Database Connection section. Or perhaps, I am not even fully understanding what is it exactly I need in order for phpbb3 to connect to it.

    Post Edited (Flybye) : 3/25/2008 1:38:26 AM GMT
  19. Hi,
    The DSN tool is for Access database connections.
    (Not available on IIS7 accounts by the way.)

    You're trying to connect PHPBB to SQL Server, correct?
    If so...There is no physical path to your SQL Server database.
    PHPBB will use a config section where you enter your db info during setup.

    Don't pull your hair out yet, you'll get through it eventually.
  20. Well, my friend uses as his host. We have absolutely no control over the software installed on the machine, and only have access to it via the Hosting Control Panel.

    From what I can tell in the control panel, Web Server Type: Windows 2003 - IIs 6.0, and has MSSQL 2005.
    I only have FTP access to it.

    phpbb is already on the server, and at least I'm happy to know I didn't have a problem with it and php:

    But the db problem is being a nightmare. :(

    And thanks for all the help :)

    Ahh....see I have been reading that I was required to create a DSN.

    In regards to the config section of phpbb, which can be clearly seen in the link you supplied at

    Under Database type, the only options I have are MSSSQL Server 2000+ via ODBC and MySQL, but I know MySQL is not available on this server.

    The Database server hostname or DSN: I have been using the information which is found in the Connection String box of the db manager. The 'Data' is what I thought was the host name. I tried with and without the tcp prefix as I did not know which was the proper way. I have been leaving the Port Number blank as I do not see one any where. The Database name I have been using as described in the db manager, the username as the User ID as shown in the db manager, and the password which I have already set.

    Once I click on 'Proceed to next step' I am given the error message of:
    Could not connect to the database, see error message below.
    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
  21. Looks like you uploaded all the files properly, I just hit that page and the pre-checks all succeeded. [​IMG]

    When you get to the Database configuration section enter the information from your Control Panel.

    Important! Even though you may not be using your SQL Server database yet...Create a backup.
    You can use this backup to fall back to a default database installation if things go bad.
    Backing up a blank database may not make sense at first but it will if you ever need to clean up a remote DB. [​IMG]

    If you need help I'm here for ya.
    Will even do it for you if you need, just PM me with the DB info from your account.
    I do that for a lot of accounts here, kinda a hobby for me.
  22. Thanks, Mark :)

    By the way, a few replies ago, I had mentioned what I had been doing within the phpbb3 installation:
    Under Database type, the only options I have are MSSSQL Server 2000+ via ODBC and MySQL, but I know MySQL is not available on this server.

    The Database server hostname or DSN: I have been using the information which is found in the Connection String box of the db manager. The 'Data' is what I thought was the host name. I tried with and without the tcp prefix as I did not know which was the proper way. I have been leaving the Port Number blank as I do not see one any where. The Database name I have been using as described in the db manager, the username as the User ID as shown in the db manager, and the password which I have already set.

    Once I click on 'Proceed to next step' I am given the error message of:
    Could not connect to the database, see error message below.
    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

    Also, I just found out that it is possible discountasp may not have their php setup with the proper drivers to access a MSSQL db.
  23. No, Sir. Tried both port numbers and am still receiving the error from phpbb3:
    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

    Ready and willing for the next suggestion. :)
  24. I was really hoping one of the guys running it would chime in.
    Personally, I've never used PHP, started out in the early 90's with HTML, then ASP and XML, then ASP.NET [​IMG]
    Before that I ran a bunch of Wildcat! multi-node BBSes, gosh those were the days. [​IMG]

    At any rate, I'll look into this for you.
  25. BTW, I just found out php is incorrectly setup on these servers and is not communicating with the mssql db

    But we were able to quickly get a Snitz forum working.

    Thanks for your help! At least I have some direction now for the future.
  26. What problems are you having with it?
    They are showing it does work with SQL 2000 and 2005, SQLLite too.

    DSN can be confusing.
    You can create a DSN to SQL Server on your local machine, or your own SQL box...
    But we only have that option for Access on our SQL Server addons here.

    You can search the SQL Server books-online at MSDN to get a better handle on that but...'s not really necessary.

    SQL Server 2000 and 2005 have a handful of connection methods.
    Most of which are for dedicated, centralized,use.
    For all practical purposes the way we connect to DASP SQL Server accounts is the most simple and best.

    Now that I've rambled too much...
    Describe what you currently have control of and I'll do my best to help.
    i.e. Already added SQL Server 2005, account type is Windows Server 2008, 2003, etc.
  27. I guess the problem I am having is creating a DSN.

    In the 'Path to Access DB File,' where is the mssql database even located?
  28. In your Control Panel look in the Databases section.
    The connection information is listed there for whichever Database addon you have.
    If you need more help just re-post. [​IMG]
  29. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    DSN is not installed for SQL 2k5.

    We are working on getting PHP native SQL connection support going (at least on IIS 7)

    Snitz is a great forum! As with any popular software, you get a lot of hackers targeting their vulnerabilties. YOu should check if you have the latest version at least every 6 months.
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