
Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by mmerrens, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Okay: so I want to use the Amazon S3 dll. Apart from the fact that the documentation is pretty light I can't find anything to tell me how to implement this. Do I upload the dll to the bin folder? What and where does the licence go? According to them I download a reg file and place it in my bin directory. That didn't work!Is it already in the GAC so I just need to reference it in my code? How do I get this to work? Help, please!
  2. We have the license for version 1.0. You'll have to download the trial version from nSoftware's archives.

    Go to http://www.nsoftware.com/download/default.aspxand click on "download archive" link. Then download the trial version for "IBiz S3 Integrator ASP.NET Edition". Install and develop with this version on your local computer. When deploying to DiscountASP server, include the DLL in the bin.



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