number of plays counter

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by Slampagne, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. Hello!
    First of all, sorrry for the repeat post! I am blind and use speech software and this site isn't easy to navigate.
    I am wishing to put a 'number of plays' counter on my webpage to count the number of plays each file receives. Can anyone help me with this?
    (Link to audio file)
    Number of plays: 20
    I am assuming I'll need two files, the html page where my audio links are located and then an asp or aspx file that does the reading and writing of the counter values.
    I have very little coding experience so sample codes along with a step by step on how to make it all work would be most appreciated. :)
    Thanks in advance. :)
  2. To add a final comment...

    I would have a html page named for example my_mp3s.html and on this page, a list of links pointing to all of my audio files people can click on to listen. And with some sort of script, counts the number of plays each mp3 recieves and writes to the my_mp3s.html page to inform viewers the number of plays for each audio file.

    my song1.mp3

    number of plays: 2

    my song2.mp3

    number of plays: 20

    my song3.mp3

    Number of plays: 10

    Each .mp3 being a link for people to click on to listen.

    So I just need the script code to do the counting and writing the values into the html page.

    Thanks. :)
  3. James,

    What do you mean by number of plays? Are you referring to the number of hits each web page receives or number of times each website is pulled up on a browser?

  4. Thanks for the reply. :)

    No. Myspace has a 'number of plays' on their video section which displays the number of plays each video receives. I am wishing to implement this idea for my own page of audio files.

    So each time an audio link is clicked, a script of some kind records each time the link is clicked and writes that value and appends it to the file in question.

    (Link to) My audio file.mp3
    Number of plays: 20

    A simple and easy play counter to keep track of the number of plays each mp3 receives.

    Thanks. :)

  5. Im pretty sure you would have to write this yourself. Basically you would need to to store the hit total for a given file in a database and increment that value each time the file is picked up. Since you are asking for a something that does this already, I will assume you do not want to write it yourself and would like a simpler solution. How about having a page with a list of all the songs. When a user clicks on a song you could direct them to a page that contains only that song. Then you could use the HTTP log information to determine the amount of traffic each song is getting.

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