OK, bring on the critics :-)

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by bluebeard96, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. TIme to get my site critiqued. I've done miscellaneous pages here and there, but this is one of my first full sites from scratch. Everything is hand-coded in a text editor, no WYSIWYG programs.

    Some things to note:
    - Quote on front page is random
    - Menu is an include file. I didn't want to frame it, as it may grown and I don't want people to have to scoll to get the lower menu items.
    - Links to outside pages open in new windows
    - Event calendar is mySQL driven
    - Photo Albums use "obout treeview" component

    I like constructive criticism, so lay it on me if you have it.

    site link: http://www.KiwanisPQ.org

    Mike Reilly, Secretary/Webmaster
    Kiwanis Club of Rancho Penasquitos
    "Serving the Children of the World"
    [email protected]
    (760) 419-7429
  2. Mike:
    I like that you have done a web site for your Kiwanis Club. I have done 10 or so for local charities including the Cameron Park Rotary Club.

    What software do you use to edit your pictures?

    Also, how are you hiding the actual name of each web page in the browser location bar?

    Mike Neal
  3. I like your site Mike. Nice and clean.

    In response to your questions:
    For my photos I've just used the photo editor in Windows XP (MS Photo Editor, I think). I have photoshop, but don't really need it for the photos I upload. As far as the image gallery in general, I just use the obout treeview component with a couple modifications to the scripts. In order to add the photos to my gallery, all I have to do isFTP them to the proper directory in my site and they're automatically in my albums.

    As far as hiding the page name, that is simply because the main page is a frameset with my top bar ("Kiwanis Club of...")and then the bottom (Main) section. I did it like this so the main header would stay in the same place. On the bottom (main) part, I made the menu an Include file that each page calls. All menu links simply update the url of the bottom (main) frame, so the location in the address bar never changes). I'm not trying to hide the page name (as someone could simply right-click on the menu item and open in a new window), but that's just what happens when it's set up this way. Basically, it's the same way your links page is set up on the Cameron Park Rotary site. When someone clicks on a link in the bottom frame, your address bar url does not change.

    Mike Reilly, Secretary/Webmaster
    Kiwanis Club of Rancho Penasquitos
    "Serving the Children of the World"
    [email protected]
    (760) 419-7429
  4. Mike:

    I have been trying different solutions to puting photos into galleries on the internet but have not tried the treeview component. My latest effort is at my photography web site. There are really only three or four web pages for several hundred photographs - everyting is driven by an MS Access database. I am not sure I am happy with it yet. I use Photoshop extensively with all my work.

    What kind of camera are you using for your photographs?

    Mike Neal
  5. Not sure the camera type... I will let you know after I get home. I'm not very happy with it in any low-light conditions. I think I'm going to go back to my SLR and just have my photos put on disk when I develop them. Either that or invest in a higher quality camera. I've got some pretty cool photos of the San Diego wildfires last year that I need to post.

    I like using the treeview component, but for my other personal pictures I'm probably going to go a different route (database driven) so I can include descriptions, date taken, etc.

    Mike Reilly, Secretary/Webmaster
    Kiwanis Club of Rancho Penasquitos
    "Serving the Children of the World"
    [email protected]
    (760) 419-7429
  6. Mike:
    I just bought a Nikon Digital SLR (D70) and I love it.

    Did you see the pictures on the web site I referenced in the previous post? It is all database driven and has info about each picture. If you are interested, I can give you the asp code, etc. for you to evaluate when you are ready to change your scheme over. There are pictures out there too of the Fred Fire that happened up here near Sacramento last month.


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