OWC Question

Discussion in 'Classic ASP' started by pedrademoco, Mar 10, 2005.

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  1. I need help using OWC11

    I have a local deployment that works just fine, but on discountasp.net I get error

    [InvalidCastException: QueryInterface for interface OWC11.ISpreadsheet failed.]
    OWC11.SpreadsheetClass.set_XMLURL(String URL) +0
    Illumena.DealEvaluation.InitializeSpreadsheet() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Illumena\App1\DealEvaluation.aspx.vb:83
    Illumena.DealEvaluation.EvaluateDeal() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Illumena\App1\DealEvaluation.aspx.vb:72

    I have tried everything I can think of including
    a) Interop.OWC.dll is copied into bin of server
    b) Have tried various combinations of syntax to no avail

    My syntax is roughly
    Imports OWC11
    dim xp as OWC11.Spreadsheetclass
    xp = new OWC11.Spreadsheetclass
    xp.XMLURL = mappath("test.xml")

    Any help appreciated -- use of OWC is the main reason I signed on to deploy on discountasp.net

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    See other posting.

    We have received many reports on issues with using ASP.NET InterOPs w/ OWC11, but we were not able to replicate it.


  3. OK

    It would be great if, somewhere, there was a single 'how-to' or 'example code' , for any OWC version, similar to the nice example codes that are listed for other components

  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I can put some ASP ones up if you wish.

    Using COM object in ASP.net is always a bitch.


  5. Thanks.

    Sorry if I sound frustrated --- I'm so close yet so far.

    If I only knew what a

    [InvalidCastException: QueryInterface for interface OWC11.ISpreadsheet failed.]

    was I'd be happy. Thanks for posting back so promptly

  6. My week is complete

    1) All code should ignore 'Imports OWC11', etc. Just use

    xp = CreateObject ("OWC11.Spreadsheet") and go from there. Everything as objects, not as specific owc types

    2) Completely rebuild entire solution prior to uploading (some of my problems were I think due uploading various pieces w/out doing complete rebuild)

  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

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