Page Output Caching is not working

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by mcomco, Sep 16, 2007.

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  1. Hi,
    Page Output Caching is not working for my site at

    I am using this directive:

    <%@ OutputCache Duration="86400" VaryByParam="*" %>

    In the the page, the url and a timestamp is written to the database.
    That is how I can be certain that the caching is not working.
    The caching does work on my development environment at home.
    Any suggestions? This is quite significant for my site.


    Post Edited By Moderator (mjp) : 9/26/2007 1:44:58 AM GMT
  2. '@OutputCache' uses server side memory, which gradually reaches the allotted memory limit per customer [being a shared hosting environment] which results in application recycle and hence loss of cached data. It's recommended to use client side caching instead. Try setting the location attribute to 'client' [default is 'Any' See:MSDN Reference ]


  3. Thanks for your prompt reply. I will reconsider how I use the cache.

    A few questions:

    How much cache memory is an account allotted. Is it possible to upgrade to get more memory? Is it possible to monitor the cache memory usage?


  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Each site can use up to 100MB of memory. No. You cannot buy more.


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