Paypal and SSL with DiscountASP

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by duydp, Nov 6, 2006.

  1. hi there,

    Could anyone pls help me clarify something as below ?

    We have a website hosted on DiscountASP and it will use Paypal soon (now we built & hosted successfully the website on ASP.NET 2.0 and payment worked well with our sandbox account - using Paypal Payment Pro/ Direct Payment API).

    At this point we can see 2 steps to allow user buying our products on website as below:
    1. Users choose product items & fill their credit card information and post them from their browser to our website on DiscountASP.
    2. After our website got this information, the website will validate them & compose/encrypted data with Paypal's provided certificate and then transfer them to Paypal server.
    3. Finally the website will do something such as print a result message to browser, send notification email, etc... base on the result returned from Paypal.

    So at step 2, the credit card information & others have been encrypted & security absolutely & we're safe.
    But at step 1, currently user's browsing our website with address started by http:// and nothing encrypted and the data could be gotten by someone on its way on the Internet. So we need SSL to protect them (we only need https:// once users decide to pay our products - after user logined, he will filling shipping/billing/credit card information in safe area; we don't need https:// when user's browsing to see the products or homepage for example).

    So could you pls tell me if anything wrong as my description above & recommend me a proper solution for that ? Eg: tell me that my SSL choice is correct or consult me switching to another payment method instead of Direct Payment API of Paypal for example (we totally need to control our payment process as well as accepting some kinds credit cards, not only Paypal.).

    Thanks for support,
  2. If your customers will be entering payment information directly on your site, then you need an SSL certificate. Activate the SSL Addon in your DiscountASP account. With an SSL certificate, you can choose which pages to secure. In this scenario, you probably have a checkout button which links to your payment page. Make the link to this page use https.


  3. I got you mean. Thanks a lots.


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