Performance Thresholds

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by goinggoneco, Jan 8, 2005.

  1. What is a reasonable expectation for throughput on shared web account?

    I have a test site: that has two aspx pages, each with hyperlink control pointing back to the other. I run Microsoft Application Center test against this application with 30 simultaneous browsers (note, the test script makes about 10 keystrokes going back and forth to the other over about 20 seconds).

    The service kicks out Response Code: 503 The Service is temporarily overloaded about 10% of the time under this load.

    Is this reasonable? Is this what you would expect?

    Appreciate any and all comments on performance expectations and my these results.

    Best regards,

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    No. We host many website that has tons of traffic. For example, we host a charity website ( that was listed on the homepage of Yahoo and CNN to help relief the Tsunami disaster. This site average 15-20G of traffic per day and had no problem.

    I am suspecting something else that's causing the problem.


  3. Is it possible there is some "denial of service governer" or something that is kicking in and causing these results (ACT is obviously generating the requests from the same IP address). Literally the site is that simple (two pages, two hyperlinks)... The Application Center Test Script is default, out of the box "record me hitting these links 10 times and run 30 simultaneous browsers"

    I also saw these results on a different app at which was a lot more complex ... that is why I created this test site (on a new domain) with nothing else going on in order to verify the results.

    I am happy to hear you get lots more traffic than this ... but I would still be more comfortable if I could understand why I am getting these 8-10% errors. Is this something someone there would try and verify for me? I ama little nervous about taking my site live next week...

    Additionally, appreciate any other suggestions as to what it might be...


  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    What kind of error are you getting? I can't really help you much here because I do not have access to your account.

    You may want to open a support ticket.


  5. I havn't done any testing on this theory but the domain I tested off of is not a root domain but it points to the root domain.

    I thought the root domain and the root domain pointers would both resolve to the identical IP address ...

    I currently have three domain names:

    domainA: its own ip address
    domainB:points to domainA but has different IP
    domainC: pints to domainA and has same IP address as B

    I would have thought the IP addresses would have all been the same... perhaps there is something in the translation that is at the base of this performance anomaly?

    Can you confirm that these ip addresses are as they are supposed to be.



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