
Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by JavierSivack, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. Hello Friends

    I need to know what kind of permission do I have to set to the GlobalResources file of DNN, so the host user can make changes to it an update.
    Becouse now when I log in like host to DNN portal an try to update a change on the language of that file it say " A File Operation Failed. Please Check Resource File Permissions So Files Can Be Edited."

    Thanks and regards
  2. By default ASPNet IUSR should have all the required permission to run DNN. You may also want to check the 'User/Quota Manager' and make sure you give ASPNet IUSR disk quota space.
    What is the full error message you are getting? There should also be a stack trace with this, can you give us a copy of that?
  3. How to add the permission

    Thanks Raimond for the reply

    When I go to the Permission Manager I don't see the ASPNet IUSR to give it permission.

    The full error is what i write at my first post.

    Thanks Again, I whait for more info. THANKS :)
  4. What platform are you running on? Are you running on IIS 6 or IIS 7. Check your control panel under Account Info/Edit to find out. If you are running IIS 6 do you have FrontPage Server Extensions installed.
  5. Iis 7

    Thanks again Raymond

    I'm running on IIS 7
  6. When you say you log into DNN portal, is the user name you are using have correct roles and membership to make the appropriate chagnes in the DNN portal?

    Can you give us a screenshot of what you're doing?
  7. Screen Shot

    Here is the screen shot from the error.



    Attached Files:

  8. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    open a support ticket. this could be a permission issue.
  9. Thanks Bruce

    Thanks Again :)

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