Photos Missing from Emails

Discussion in 'Email' started by Himself, Apr 25, 2010.

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  1. If someone sends an email to my DASP-hosted email account and the email contains embedded photos, they aren't included although there are placeholders if I retrieve the email with Outlook. If I use Thunderbird instead of Outlook, the placeholders are still there and the photos are attachments as opposed to embedded. I do not have this problem with other email accounts retrieved in other ways. Anyone have any idea as to what the problem is? I've turned off the scanning of incoming emails for malware but that had no effect.

  2. Hi,

    You have to use the full address: something like <img src=" />

  3. The emails typically are simply pasted into the body of an email, not composed in HTML. I've retrieved emails from other accounts that had photos in them, forwarded them to my DASP account and the photos have disappeared.
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