PHP Extensions

Discussion in 'HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS' started by rdivilbiss, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. 2 Questions:

    1. Can you explain why the following extensions were not enabled?


    I have searched the web and can find no known reason why these would be unsuitable for IIS.

    Is there some vulnerability or problem in a shared hosting environment you know about or was there some other reason these were not enabled.

    I maintain client sites at multiple ISPs and have never seen these not available before. And yes, some of these ISP's are PHP on Windows-IIS.

    2. When I have a PHP throwing an error, instead of an error message, I get redirected to my home page. I need to see error messages, not be redirected to my home page. Support says they don't support this problem because its PHP. What does it mean that you have PHP but support does not investigate problems?
  2. mjp


    mysqli isn't compiled because we don't support MySQL.

    I don't know why multibyte string isn't compiled, and I assume encryption isn't compiled for performance reasons.

    I'm pretty sure IIS7 doesn't pass php errors by default and by design. The problem, as I understand it, is it has to be configured on a per domain basis to pass php errors, meaning it can't be done globally so it isn't done. I'll check though and see if that's the case.

    It means that php is not a focus or a core competency around here. Our support staff isn't trained to diagnose php errors because very few of our customers use php. Despite Microsoft's desire to convince php users to move onto Windows servers, php is still better suited to an Apache/*nix environment.

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