phpBB install

Discussion in 'Third-party applications' started by Jason21, May 13, 2005.

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  1. trying to install phpBB on this site that I just took over for somebody. But, I continue to get an error. I am trying to do this with a MS ACCESS database. Heres the first two sections of the install page as i have them configured:

    Basic Configuration
    Default board language: English
    Database Type: MS ACCESS [ ODBC ]
    Choose your installation method: Install
    Database Configuration
    Database Server Hostname / DSN: kilstkdcom0_forum.mdb
    Your Database Name: forum.mdb
    Database Username: same as site account login
    Database Password: same as site account login
    Prefix for tables in database: phpbb_

    I wasnt shure if i had to actually create a forum.mdb database in the control panel so I did but when i used FTP to do a directory listing neither the new db directory or the forum.mdb file were created. So I manually uploaded a brand new forum.mdb (empty) file to a new db directory that i created.

    The error message im getting when i click on 'Start Install' of the phpBB install script follows:

    phpBB : Critical Error

    Could not connect to the database


    SQL Error : ErrorPHP Warning: odbc_connect(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not find file '(unknown)'., SQL state S1000 in SQLConnect in E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\db\msaccess.php on line 55

    Another user made a post in 2004 about a phpBB setup error that he had but he dident really explain how he fixed it. Any help would be great.

    Thank you
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    from the error, looks like the error is the name of the DSN


  3. well aparently the error was with my database. Somehow when i created it, it got corrupted. Not shure if this matters but it seemed to work better when i put just the file name of the database and not the extension such as *.mdb at the end. Solving that problem, I now have another error that comes up. This looks like its not allowed to edit the config.php file that comes with phpBB. The instructions say to do a chmod on the file. Since there is no chmod in windows all i can do is change the permissions on the entire directory and not a specific file (correct?). I have tried to do the install with both my DiscountASP username/pass for the account and a user that i created with Read/Write access to the forums directory where the config.php file is and the db directory where i store the forums.mdb file. both give me this error:

    An error has occurred during installation
    An error occurred trying to update the database

    Could not insert board_startdate :: INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('board_startdate', 1116077454) :: 888 :: E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\install\install.php

    Could not insert default_lang :: INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('default_lang', 'english') :: 895 :: E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\install\install.php

    Could not insert default_lang :: UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = '[email protected]' WHERE config_name = 'board_email' :: 912 :: E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\install\install.php

    Could not insert default_lang :: UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = '/forums/' WHERE config_name = 'script_path' :: 912 :: E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\install\install.php

    Could not insert default_lang :: UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = '80' WHERE config_name = 'server_port' :: 912 :: E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\install\install.php

    Could not insert default_lang :: UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = 'XXXX' WHERE config_name = 'server_name' :: 912 :: E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\install\install.php

    Could not update admin info :: UPDATE phpbb_users SET username = 'XXXX', user_password='XXXX', user_lang = 'english', user_email='XXXX' WHERE username = 'Admin' :: 923 :: E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\install\install.php

    Could not update user_regdate :: UPDATE phpbb_users SET user_regdate = 1116077454 :: 930 :: E:\XXXX\install.php

    PHP Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not find output table 'phpbb_config'., SQL state S0002 in SQLExecDirect in E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\db\msaccess.php on line 159 PHP Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not find output table 'phpbb_config'., SQL state S0002 in SQLExecDirect in E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\db\msaccess.php on line 159 PHP Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'phpbb_config'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly., SQL state S0002 in SQLExecDirect in E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\db\msaccess.php on line 176 PHP Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'phpbb_config'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly., SQL state S0002 in SQLExecDirect in E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\db\msaccess.php on line 176 PHP Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'phpbb_config'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly., SQL state S0002 in SQLExecDirect in E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\db\msaccess.php on line 176 PHP Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'phpbb_config'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly., SQL state S0002 in SQLExecDirect in E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\db\msaccess.php on line 176 PHP Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'phpbb_users'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly., SQL state S0002 in SQLExecDirect in E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\db\msaccess.php on line 176 PHP Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'phpbb_users'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly., SQL state S0002 in SQLExecDirect in E:\web\kilstkdcom0\htdocs\forums\db\msaccess.php on line 176
  4. but dont i just copy and paste the DSN from what the control panel tells me is the DSN to the phpBB install screen? I've never used a DSN before so i'm not shure what is acceptable.
  5. Hi Jason21,

    From the errors you got,it looks as if you are perhaps uploading your own version of an Access database, just remember that for phpBB2 to work with Access you have to unzip and upload the database file, ms_access_primer.mdb, that is in install\schemas of your phpbb instalation. You then set this database up as your ODBC source.

    I have also been unable to get phpBB working on DASP, it keeps telling me my DSN does not exist, also you cannot run phpbb from a MS SQL Server Database on DASP as it seems the DASP's version of PHP does not support SQL Server Database access [​IMG] .

    The phpbb installhelp pagesays that using Access is not recommended for more than 1 or 2 users and a more robust database solution should be used. So unless DASP allow database access to SQL from php, I guess it wont be much use anyway. I am going to raise a support ticket and see what can be done.

    I'll keep you posted.
  6. Thanks for the info. I did get phpBB up and running eventually. I made the mistake of watching the demo file whitch does not mention the use of the primer file instead of just RTFM. Once I renamed the primer file to the database name that i wanted and uploaded to the directory I had setup, it worked fine. I do get some weird directory listing denied error when i login to the admin control panel for the first time. I have to click the back button then click on the admin control panel button again and at that point it just takes me to the correct spot. Right now nobody uses the forums so Access is just fine. If I start having problems with too much user activity then i will need to upgrade to a MS SQL 2000 database (preferabily) or MySQL. So keep me informed if you get any news on getting either of those to work.
  7. ah, such an easy fix for you and me /emoticons/tongue.gif
    I added index.php to the IIS manager and now it works fine. How many users are on your board before it slows down. You might try downloading the mdb file and compacting it in access on your computer, then reupload it. or try and use the resync feature in the phpbb ACP. Should make it run a bit faster; but if not then time for a new database type.
  8. I'm glad that worked,

    The database slowing down was not really down to the number of users as much as having multiple users trying to access the same records simultaneously (which does become more of a risk, the more users you have). I had about 5 different test users and seesions logged in, posting and viewing like crazy -often the pages would slow down or just hang up so that I had to either hit refresh or reload the forums from the start.

    I had a look on the PHP websitetoday about accessing SQL Server from PHP and apparently it can only be done via the SQL ODBC driver. DASP does give us an ODBC DSN for our SQL databases and phpbb does allow this as a database type but I had trouble using it last night, I will give it another whirl tonight and see if I have more luck. Possibly just some settings I got wrong again.

    Anyway as before I'll keep you posted.

    Cheers & chat soon.
  9. Hi,

    Glad you ot it sorted. Got my forum working as well, mis-spelled the DSN [​IMG]

    Did some tests and Access is very slow, will have to get somethng sorted.

    Have you tried to ad "index.php" to your default documents in IIS Tools in the DASP control panel, that should sort out your error.

    Hope this works and will let you know about MS SQL

  10. HeeeHaaa!!!!

    Finally !!! - I got phpbb2 working using MS SQL server on DASP.

    I wrote two quick bits of code, one ASP and one PHP to access SQL via ODBC and realised both were failing with "DSN not found" so I raised a support ticket. The Support team got back to me in 5 minutes and told me that there was a bug on my ACP and it was showing the incorrect DSN, I am not sure if this is affecting everyone or just me. I then corrected the DSN and phpbb2 installed and runs perfectly.

    The response is MUCH quicker than when I was using Access (naturally), I will give it a proper hammering a bit later.

    Here is some more info that you may find useful :
    • To change your phpbb2 installation to use a new database, just upload the contrib and install folders again and run /install/install.php. Be careful as you will lose all of your setup, forums and posts. I think there is a set of converters on the phpbb2 site, I have not neededone as I am setting up a new BB.
    • I found it usefull to install phpbb2 on my local Windows machine running IIS. You of course need to also then install PHP to run it soI just downloaded it from the PHP website. There is a good tutorial on installing it and getting started with PHP at Developer.comGetting to grips with PHP is a huge help if needing to customise your forums.

    Hope all of this helps, let me know how you get on and shout if you need a hand.

    Chris Mulder- Southampton, United Kingdom.

    Post Edited (Reactor) : 6/2/2005 10:21:48 PM GMT
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