Poor Site needs Your Suggestions

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by alex0811, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. Hello all,there are quite a lot of pictures in my site, please check the loading speed and tell me whether it is acceptable. More advice will be appreciated since it is a new site.

    It's a poor-made site, because I'm not good at site design.
    Critiques are apprecaited.

    Site name: Heiyaha Sports ????????
    Site Url: http://www.heiyaha.com

    Sharing Goods, Services and Knowledge with World
  2. I pulled up your site with the link you provided and you do have some large images loading up. I ran your site through some 3rd party web analyzing tools and the results did not look too promosing.

    Speed (bps) Description Transfer Time
    14400 V.32 (14.4k) Modem 320.7684 seconds
    28800 V.34 (28.8k) Modem 160.7123 seconds
    57600 V.92 (56k) Modem 80.6843 seconds
    131072 ISDN (Dual Channel) 35.8248 seconds
    384000 DSL 19.5150 seconds
    786000 Cable Modem 19.5150 seconds
    1544000 T-1/DS-1 19.5150 seconds

    Connection Rate Download Time
    14.4K 444.78 seconds
    28.8K 222.49 seconds
    33.6K 190.73 seconds
    56K 114.52 seconds
    ISDN 128K 35.21 seconds
    T1 1.44Mbps 3.24 seconds

    I suggest trying to break your page up into multiple smaller pages so the load time will be faster. Or if you have a graphic designer they can enhance the image and modify it to be more enficcient. Some of the most common errors for creating a webpage is simply getting an image and putting it on the website without any graphic work on it. As you know you can manipulate the image using html script but that doesn't reduce the actual size of the image.


  3. Since it's a Chinese site, I suggest you to use Chinese for all your webpage contents just to keep them consistent. If you really want to have them in English, you could try to put Chinese text content over the English ones.

    For examples sake,


    However, I still recommend you to use Chinese or English only for consistency.

    J. Bey
    Free-lancer IT Pro.
    "Life is tough...but programming is FuN"</CODE>
  4. Way to slow even with high speed.
  5. mjp


    It's been about 30 seconds now and I'm still looking at a blank browser window. My first impression is that it's unlikely very many visitors are going to wait for your site to load. You really need to re-think what you're doing there. You also appear to beloading elements from other sites, and they may be adding to the slowness.

    My browser status bar still says it's waiting on 18 items, and I started loading your site before I typed this reply...


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