POP3 Error

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by jpalatine, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. Hi,

    I am reading our email from our POP3 server using VB. I can connect succesfully. I send my email user ID and receive a '+OK' response. So far so good. I send the user password and receive a '+err Username Password error'. Can anyone spot what I am doing incorrectly, or is the password parameter configured differently? I have verified the password several times.Code snipet below: Thanks, Jim

    ret = SendCmd("user " + User)

    'if that was successfull, send the password

    If Left(ret, 3) = "+OK" Then

    Dim parm As String = "pass " + passwd

    ret = SendCmd(parm)

    'if that was successfull set the return flags to true

    If Left(ret, 3) = "+OK" Then

    logon = True

    Auth = True



    End If
  2. I didn't know there were any components. Where are they and how do I use them? Could you point me in the correct direction. I would appreciate that. Thanks, Jim
  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    If you are getting "+err username password error", that mean you are already connected to the pop3 server and the server doesn't like the uid / password. I don't think there' any problem w/ the code.

    Just curious, why don't you use one of the existing pop3 components that are installed on the server?? it will be much easier!


  4. WOW. That's great. To use the feature what do I need to download to get addressing to POP3 class? Thanks, Jim
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  6. Thanks. It looks like I am able to get to the POP3 server and attempt to read messages. Do you know where the license file needs to be located? I had to manually code on my local machine, I'm afraid when I upload the app it will not find the license on the prod server.
  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    The answer you are looking for is in the KB article i posted.



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