Precompiled web-based App works fine on development machines, but has problems on DASP servers

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by netexpert4hire, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. Vikram,

    Thanks for taking a look, here are the details for how to reproduce the problemand URL...

    All files in the solution locally and remotely are equivalent except for the web.config that has a different database connection string.

    We compile the solution, and then precompile for deployment. We test the precompiled version on the local machine. Works great.

    Here is what happens...

    On Page_Load, the grid and menu are initially bound. We have checkboxes in the grid.

    We check the items in the grid that need to be acted on and press the submit button. The code recognizes the checked items, saves them to session and redirects to a new page that acts on those items.

    REMOTELY (we transfer the precompiled site we just tested to the remote server)
    We check the items in the grid that need to be acted on and press the submit button. The code DOES NOT recognize the checked items.

    The grid and menu disappear if not rebound on postback as well...and that doesn't happen locally either.

    It is affecting the entire application (not just this particular page.)

    Any advice/thoughts/information would be deeply appreciated.

    URL Example...

    Sign in as:

    UserName: daspguest
    Password: dasppass

    Check a checkbox under the schedule column accross from Footings then press the "Schedule the Selected Inspections" button.

    On the development machine, this correctlly brings the user to the Create/Modify Scheduled Inspection/Meeting page. But because no checked items are detected on the remote server, we simply get a postback and the grid and menu disappears.

    Another clue is that if you press the browser's back button and then check the box(es) again, it will take you to the scheduling page as expected.

    The .aspx and .aspx.cs source code for this page can be downloaded from:

    The web.config can be downloaded from:

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Could you provide a brief overview of the error message if any or provide a url for the same?


  3. Try using

    <machineKey validationKey='AutoGenerate,IsolateApps' decryptionKey='AutoGenerate,IsolateApps' validation='SHA1'/> in your web.config


  4. Ok,I'll give that a shot right away and I'll let you know how it goes.

    Thanks for the advice!

  5. I made the change, but the problem still occurs. This is very puzzling.

    It has to be an environment/settings issue because the code is equivalent...but what is it that would cause controls to disappear and require re-binding after postback on the remote server, but not locally.

    Thanks again.

  6. We have an ASP.NET 2.0 C# SQL 2005 app that works perfectly in the development environment, but has a few problems when running at DASP.

    The primary issue is that ViewState doesn't seem to be storing the state and values of controls that depend on it.

    Locally it works fine. Sowe have resorted to re-binding ComponentArt menus andgrids on postbackwhen running remotely, but not when running locally (based on an appSetting in the web.config)...but there are other side-effects as well and this is an unnecessary performance hit.

    Does anyone know what settings at DASP may be causing this problem?

    We have specified a machineKey in the web.config like so (thes aren't the real keys, but just so you know we have specified a machineKey)...

    <machineKey validationKey="935BF7124312414314GF6D67E7512C383F92575A3E9DB5" decryptionKey="A37FB11BF512C383F9257ADEFA2163D" validation="SHA1" decryption="AES"/>

    We also have the following for page...

    <pages validateRequest="false" smartNavigation="false" enableEventValidation="false"...

    Any information/thoughts/advice would be appreciated.

    Best Regards,


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