Problem just getting started

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by Judgester, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. I know I'll slap myself when I get the answer to this but I can't seem to get started. Developing in VS20083.5 framework. I made a AJAX masterpage and created a page that uses it but the page fails with this message...

    Unknown server tag 'asp:ScriptManager'.

    How can this be? I thought discountASP supported AJAX???

    Thasnk in advance.
  2. Seems like it's looking for the correct references in your root web.config,...
    The best way to get started with that is to let VS2008 create the web.config for you.
    Back-up the web.config in your site root then delete it...
    Now go back to VS2008 and run the test page, VS2008 will ask if you want it to create your web.config file.
    Make sure you're targeting the correct .NET framework when it does.
    Now, once it creates the web.config open your backup and add anything from it you need to the new one.

    If that doesn't take care of it post again.
  3. Thanks for the quick reply Mark.

    The problem was even more basic. I got this sinking feeling as I read your reply and thought "ohno, did I upload the web.config". I am updating an old asp site with lots of files and so I was just uploading the revised files and forgot the web.config!

    Everything works now!

  4. Good job bro. [​IMG]

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