Problem routing request for .htm to a handler

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by dmts, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. As part of the app I'm writing to be hosted on Discount ASP, I want to route any requests for *.htm to a handler, and have that decide what to return. So, obviously, in my web.config I have...

    <add path="*.htm" verb="GET" type="ContentHandler"/>

    ...and it works like a charm in my local environment, but when I Publish the project to Discount ASP, any requests for something ending .htm are met with a standard 404 page. Does anyne know if there is there something in Discount ASP's setup that is stopping requets for htm getting to my app? And if there is, canI do anything about it?

    Thanks in advance,

  2. You will have to issue a ticket to our support team to explicitly register the extension on our server.



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