Problems with UICulture in some ASPNET Controls

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by vvsharma, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. Hello Everybody:

    I have a curious problem with UICulture in my ASPNET Site, I Want whole site in spanish language, so I put in all pages the directive UICulture='es' Culture='es-ES' but some controls doesn't show the literal in the correct language, by example Calendar control show all text in correct way but Login control and GridView show control's message text in English.

    I have developed my Site in my PC with Windows in Spanish and all the controls respect the language, but when I put the site in an English Hosting my pages in some controls show message text in English.

    I tried with <globalization culture='es-ES' uiCulture='es-ES'/> in web.config but not work.

    Any know Why?


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