Publish my website with Visual Studio

Discussion in 'Visual Studio' started by esohier, Mar 13, 2008.

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  1. Hi,

    I'm new user on Discount.asp and I appreciate this hosting, but I've a problem when I want to publish my website.

    My website is based on dashcommerce.

    I try to publish via the "publish the website" command on visual studio, and I use the ftp. Is that the good solution?

    I also try to publish by http but I've an error: frontpage extension is disable!!!

    Can you help me to publish my website automatically with visual studio?

    Very thanks by advance.

    -- Eric.
  2. In VS when you chose to Copy the website local to remote there are 4 options.
    From your local system to DASP server you want option #3, FTP Site.
    If you chose the 4th option it will require Front-Page extensions. (Bad idea.)
    So yes, FTP form VS is your best option.
  3. Ok, very thanks for your answer.

    But, I've a problem if I use a ftp solution... vs studio crash (freeze for a long, long time after give the user and password ftp).

    Why? What is information that i give to VS studio ?

    -- Eric.
  4. In the FTP dialog for VS, using the information from your account:
    1. Server:
    2. Port: 21
    3. Directory: (Leave this blank)
    4. Passive mode: Un-checked
    5. Anonymouse login: Un-checked
    6. Username: Your DASP username
    7. Password: Your DASP PW

    Then click [Open]

    Should work, if not post again. [​IMG]
  5. Hi,

    Very thanks for your answer, that's perfect!

    However, I've another question:

    When I connect via ftp dialog window, I transfert all files to my web site. I think that all files doesn't required (vb extension ie). The publish command generate this files and publish them.

    How do I proceed to publish only files required with ftp window or publish command?

    -- Eric.
  6. Visual Studio doesn't do a good job of that, yet.
    Scott Guthrie told me that Microsoft is working on improving this functionality in VS however.

    To get a better handle on file versioning, local to remote synchronization, you need a 3rd party tool.
    Visual Studio can show you what it believes are files that are "newer" on local or remote, but not very well.

    Use and search for FTP file synchronization
    PS - There is a 3rd partyFTP addin for VS but I don't remember the URL. [​IMG]
  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff


    Do you mean VS.NET Copy website copies all the unnecessary files like the code files??

    Are you using Copy Website option or Publish Website? There's a big difference here.


  8. Hi Bruce,

    I've change my strategy because the publish webside doesn't working again...

    I publish to my localhsot server (iss), and copy via ftp this files, and, that's ok. But not the better solution.

    If you have another idea...

    -- Eric.
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