publish succeeded but get 404 with URL

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by pcsol, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. First time publishing application to Publihed with WebDeploy and got "publish succeeded" response. But when trying to login to the new site, get error 404.0, not found (I checked spelling, etc.). Any suggestions?
  2. ...Try using the Website FTP feature and you can compare the remote files to make sure everything went well. You don't even need to do it from the same local files, you can create a new empty site and open the remote site, without even changing anything.
  3. Thanks for the quick response! I'll try your suggestion.

    I'll post my findings, thanks again.
  4. Done. Got by this problem, thanks for your suggestions!

    (Yes, it was a spelling error which (typically) a colleague spotted and I didn't - the good news is that "Publish" worked as described in the DASP video tutorial, and as I set it up.)
  5. ...Awesome. ;-)

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