Random - c# SSL Server

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by Rookie, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. Hello everyone, I have a random question. I am trying to create a mini-webserver (very simple) that excepts ssl requests in the .net 2.0 framework. I have been able to create a server that listens on a port (any portI specify) that will return an html page to the requesting browser. I have not been able to implement ssl into this. I know c# has classes that will help me with this but I am stumped.

    Has anyone done something similar to this before? I would really appreciate some help or a little guidance. I've looked at MSDN, but all they have for an example using sslStreams for a client/server module that I can't seem to get to work for a webserver.

  2. thanks for the reply.

    I created the web server (very simplistic server) using a tcplistener and a socket. The listener listens on port 4444 and when a request comes in I takes the byte stream and convert it to a string then analyze the string and return the request page.

    I can't figure out how to implement ssl into the model. I should probably use sslStream but I don't know how to use it with sockets.

  3. This is complicated to do at a socket level. You will basically have to handle your own certificates and encryption.

    You should search around for components that'll help you with it.

    Joel Thoms
  4. Let me recap to see if I understand you. You have a webserver that will listen for a request. Once you get that request you want to send the requestor an html page through an SSL connection.

    Let me know if I got that right?

    What webserver are you going to use IIS or Apache?


  5. So I got frustrated with trying it in .net so I make it in java. Never thought I'd prefer using java to microsoft but it made it a lot easier.

    Thanks for the feedback,

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