RapidSSL WildCard SSL Certificate

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by mwe4364, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. [​IMG]

    I recently signed up to have SSL installed on discountasp, and went to the RapidSSL website to check out my options. They offer a Wildcard Certificate which will work with any subdomain on my domain, but after talking with their tech support the CSR must utilize the wildcard "*" for the subdomain name. On your form you don't llow a wildcard submission like, *.mydomain.com. Help!

    UPDATE for those Searching, Frank at discountasp.net let me know that *.mydomain.com is what the common name should be. I was able to utilize the * when submitting the common name through the SSL management option on the control panel.

    Thanks Frank! I'll update this until completed.

    Post Edited (Mike from yfsi) : 2/21/2008 8:06:45 PM GMT
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    do you mean you can't put *.domain.com when submitting the CSR information in our control panel? If so, we'll need to bug this and update the CP.


  3. No, you can as I found out, but the instructions as I read them said that you couldn't use a list of special charcters which included the "*".


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