Receive SFTP

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by strazz, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. DiscountASP.NET Community:

    I know that this is a windows server and I know you do not offer SFTP. However, I need a way to receive SFTP'd files on my web directory. How can we solve this? Is there any service you can recommend that will receive SFTP files and transfer them via regular FTP to your server?

    Thank you for your time and consideration,

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  3. Thanks, yeah my workaround is pretty nasty. I basically have a UNIX shared hosting account that accepts the SFTP and then a cron job that runs a script that regular FTP's it to my folder. The material is not sensitive but some clients' policies do not allow regular FTP. The whole setup is copied and pasted from google since I'm a .NET programmer :- ) Just wondering if there's a better way.... If this happens a ton I might get some really cheap windows server and install a windows SFTP server on it. The UNIX stuff just scares me a little... /emoticons/freaked.gif
  4. Thanks for the idea, I'm pretty sure that component only lets you connect to SFTP and pull files. I actually need to receive SFTP files so I need a server basically. My clients in this special scenario do not want me pulling from their servers, they want to push the flat file to me. Thanks again for offering an idea, however.

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