Redirect from another site to our site hosted here not working?

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by votefor7, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. We are currently redirecting traffic from a different site to our site hosted here but are having difficulties.

    The traffic is being redirected from which is hosted somewhere else to our site here, The redirect works properly, and when you do a tracert is makes it all the way to our site hosted with you guys, at IP However, once it gets here we get a page saying Web Page Unavailable rather than the site (I've attached a screenshot of what this page looks like so you can see).

    The site is redirecting properly so it isn't an issue with the other host. Is there something else that we need to change with your settings to allow traffic being redirected from that we are unaware of? Is there something you need to change to get this to work?

    Please advise.
  2. Hi,
    Only thing I can think of is from your Control Panel.
    Make sure your default page is listed as a default in the top.
    *Tools and Utilities...
    **IIS Tools...
    ***Default Documents
    You can add, copy/paste, etc...then click that Update button.
    All the best,
  3. Do we need to purchase the Domain Pointer to Root addon in order to do this? Seems like we shouldn't need to do that just to redirect from one site to another but that may be how things are setup with

    I could also see using the Unlimited Subdomain addon to obtain a unique IP since we share an IP with other sites, this could be causing the issue.
  4. ...You don't have to order anything to try what I suggested.
    Give it a shot and let me know. ;-)
    All the best,

  5. Sorry, I should have told you I tried without success. When I added the main page to the top of that list it still didn't work.

    I think the problem is because uses shared IPs by default so by redirecting to, the IP doesn't know which site on that IP it should be redirected to.

    I could be wrong and would love to save $5 a month, but I think that is whats going on.
  6. ...Something else you might want to try:
    In your redirect code try using the Alt URL for your DASP account instead of the domain.
    It can work even faster and if your default page is working this may do the trick.

    Tip: At all times I use the Alt address for FTPing to DASP servers, instead of the domain name FTP address.
    All the best,

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