Redirect PHP to ASPX

Discussion in 'HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS' started by jwilson, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. I have a site that I am moving to DiscountASP. The current site is developed in PHP and the new one will be ASP.Net. I am keeping the same domain name and want to ensure that search engine rankings are not harmed. My initial thoughts on steps are these:

    1) Build new site at DiscountASP
    2) Add PHP pages on new site that can redirect traffic to corresponding ASPX page. For example, aboutus.php would redirect 301 to aboutus.aspx. I am most concerned about this step since I no nothing about PHP. If this is a good idea, can someone offer info on php code to redirect and how to run in iis7? Is there a way to tell IIS7 to automatically redirect any php page to corresponding aspx page?
    3) Test site using alternate url provided by DiscountASP
    4) Point domain to DiscountASP name servers,, and

    Am I missing anything?

  2. mjp


    You can set up the redirect using IIS Manager if your account is on IIS 7.

    If you search 301 or redirect here in the forum you'll see a lot of different ways to approach it.

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