Reduce size of database - MSSQL 2000

Discussion in 'Databases' started by Bruce, Jan 6, 2009.

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  1. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  2. I have checked the size of each table using the statement:

    EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1='EXEC sp_spaceused '?''

    Summing all the space used by both the data and the indexes totals 224MB. The allocated space for our DB is 400MB and it our SQL usage meter is showing a total of 384MB. The remaining 16MB becomes used within a few days whereas not long ago it would last at least 3 or 4 months. The usage of our site has increased quite well - but not that much. We have tried:

    1. Truncating the log using a backupcommand - i.e.:

    BACKUP LOG <database name> with TRUNCATE_ONLY

    2. Defragging all the indexes using:

    EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1='print '?' DBCC DBREINDEX ('?', ' ', 80)'

    AND using

    DECLARE @TableName sysname
    DECLARE @indid int
    DECLARE cur_tblfetch CURSOR FOR
    SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'base table'
    OPEN cur_tblfetch
    FETCH NEXT FROM cur_tblfetch INTO @TableName
    DECLARE cur_indfetch CURSOR FOR
    SELECT indid FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID (@TableName) and keycnt > 0
    OPEN cur_indfetch
    FETCH NEXT FROM cur_indfetch INTO @indid
    SELECT 'Derfagmenting index_id = ' + convert(char(3), @indid) + 'of the '
    + rtrim(@TableName) + ' table'
    IF @indid <> 255 DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (DB_184164_dbbtdc, @TableName, @indid)
    FETCH NEXT FROM cur_indfetch INTO @indid
    CLOSE cur_indfetch
    DEALLOCATE cur_indfetch
    FETCH NEXT FROM cur_tblfetch INTO @TableName
    CLOSE cur_tblfetch
    DEALLOCATE cur_tblfetch


    Can anyone:

    1. See what is it that is causing the problem OR help me know what I can do to recognize the cause of the problem
    2. Suggest some possible fixes

  3. Hi Bruce,

    I was assuming that the DBCC INDEXDEFRAG statement defragged the database or is that not what you are referring to. Can you let me know a little more information - especially in regard to any keywords or TSQL statements - it would be really appreciated.

  4. JorgeR

    JorgeR DiscountASP.NET Staff

    DBCC INDEXDEFRAG on a single table may be needed with little space left in your database due to the small amount of logging it uses. when you use the dbreindex, the command reindexes a clustered index, it will create a copy of the table before dropping the old one it uses more detailed logging to perform the action.

    Please create a support ticket from the support portal so that we can check how much space of data the database is using and how fragmented it may be. You may went to reference this thread to expedite your request faster



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