Remote host said: 550 Sender verify failed

Discussion in 'Email' started by Miro, Jan 27, 2010.

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  1. I was wondering if I have a way of getting around this.

    I have one of my dasp accounts sending an email out to the customer as well when they submit a form.

    (basically they book a trip) and a copy goes to us, and a copy goes to them.

    I recieve it everywhere... to my dasp email accounts / hotmail accounts / yahoo mail...
    but I have run into an internet provider that shoots down and sends back my emails with the following error:

    Remote host said: 550 Sender verify failed

    Is there anything I can do with my email being sent out so the "email" can be verified.

    Below is my code.

    Sub SubmitContactUs(ByVal FromEmailAddress As System.Net.Mail.MailAddress, _
    ByVal SendToEmailAddress As System.Net.Mail.MailAddress, _
    ByVal SubmitDate As Date)

    Dim subbmitedDate As String = String.Format("{0} at {1}", SubmitDate.ToLongDateString(), _

    Dim MailMsg As New MailMessage()
    MailMsg.From = FromEmailAddress

    MailMsg.IsBodyHtml = True
    MailMsg.Subject = "Contact Us Request: " + txtSubject.Text.Trim

    Dim BodyHTML As String = _
    "<html><head></head><body> html text here</body> </html>" 'this is an actual html email.

    Dim htmlView As System.Net.Mail.AlternateView = _
    System.Net.Mail.AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(BodyHTML, Nothing, "text/html")

    Dim Logo_URL As String = String.Format(Server.MapPath(".") & "\Images\{0}", "ctglogo_EmailSmall.jpg")
    Dim logo As LinkedResource = New LinkedResource(Logo_URL, Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg)
    logo.ContentId = "CTGLOGO"

    'Do not add a plain View as yahoo users use that as default.
    'Dim PlainView As System.Net.Mail.AlternateView = System.Net.Mail.AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString("some text", Nothing, "text/plain")

    Dim SmtpMail As New SmtpClient
    SmtpMail.Host = "localhost"

    End Sub
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    You'll have to talk to the particular ISP regarding why they rejected the email. The error message is very vague and I can't figure out why.
  3. mjp


    As Bruce mentioned, it could be a lot of things.

    Is this a large ISP? Who is it?
  4. The provider is called "Execulink" ( formally known as Golden Triangle Online )
    So the email addresses are either or
    (I have tested both and have the same results)

    I do have a local email account there so I will give them a quick call and see what they say. But any info you can provide before I call / what I should ask would be helpful.

    Here is the full error message I got:
    Could not deliver message to the following recipient(s):

    Failed Recipient: [email protected]
    Reason: Remote host said: 550 Sender verify failed

    -- The header and top 20 lines of the message follows --

    Received: from [] by with SMTP;
    Wed, 27 Jan 2010 13:19:43 -0800
    Received: from web707 ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(7.0.6001.18000);
    Wed, 27 Jan 2010 13:19:42 -0800
    MIME-Version: 1.0

    From: "Canoeing The Grand Inc." < DSAP email address >
    To: Miro <[email protected]>
    Date: 27 Jan 2010 13:19:42 -0800
    Subject: Booking Request
    Content-Type: multipart/related;
    boundary=--boundary_7_0d915569-61fa-4d07-856c-0fbf2dd55c03; type="text/html"
    Message-ID: <[email protected]>
    X-OriginalArrivalTime: 27 Jan 2010 21:19:42.0821 (UTC) FILETIME=[714C3150:01CA9F96]

    <then the email portion is below>

    I have also tested something else...
    I have made my email address have a "reply-to" as a different email address.
    ( both are DASP email address within the same domain )
    example: (USING OUTLOOK) - direct email.
    From: [email protected]
    Reply-To: [email protected]

    and I also get a bounceback coming from them.

    Only when I use OUTLOOK with my email address without any "reply-to" I do not get any bounceback and the email hits the emailbox.

    Any Ideas?
  5. Solved

    Issue has been solved.

    Incase anyone else has this happen.

    Originally the domain name was hosted at /

    When the domain name was transfered out, they still had on their internal server that they manage the email addresses for that server.

    Thus, when an email was sent to them from the domain name - their server thought it hosted the domain - realized the email address doesnt exist on their side, and then bounced back the email.

    They had to "unflag" the domain name on their side.

    Thanks for the quick DASP replies - that helped resolving this on their side.


  6. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    ahh.. thanks for letting us know.
  7. mjp


    Okay, I wouldn't have thought of that! Ha, glad it's worked out.
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