Remove an old dll

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by joostscherm, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. Hi,

    i wanted to update the dll on my webserver so i renamed the old one (just in case) and added the new one. I then pubslihed the files to the webserver including the old one.

    Now my site fails to load because of this old dll. How can i remove it. BTW the dll is in the bin (i think)

    many tnx, Joost
  2. ...I'd try logging into the Control Panel, stopping the site, then recycle the site.
    Then manage your files.
    Then restart the site.
  3. managing files

    I'm sorry , but i don't understand you.

    i have stopped the site , recycled the app -pool and pubslihed my files again.

    Somehow it keeps complaining about a dll which isn't there and certainly never referenced in code.

    how is this possible? and what to do? i'm totally clueless

    (please look @

    this is an old dll which is somehow still referenced. Stopping, starting recycling does not work. I wanted to update the dll)
  4. ...I'd recommend you contact Support in this case.
    Doing what you did should have released the file lock if there is one.
    If you get stuck and want me to try I'm willing, just me a PM. ;-)
    All the best,
  5. i posted a reply to the support site , this is what i got

    The problem you are running into is related to your application configuration. Have you tried removing the copy dll from your applications bin folder? (i tried this allready)
  6. ...I can log into your site with VS and take a look but I'll need your Control Panel username and PW. Send me a PM with your CP login if you want me to do this.
    I can't think of any other way to help but I'll do this as a favor to see if it helps.
    All the best,
  7. It seems to be calling for a 'BlogEngine.Core - Copy' DLL in your application? Somehow your application is looking for it, but I don't think it's a file-lock. File lock would have given a different error.
  8. ...True. btw, did you have FP extensions turned on?
    Sure hope not but if you do that may explain the file copy.
  9. I see the site working now, did you make any changes?

    Also, it was an IIS7 account, so FP isn't enabled.

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