Request: SQL Server Backups

Discussion in 'Control Panel API' started by wibble, Oct 18, 2006.

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  1. The new API looks like an excellent addition to DiscountASP.NET

    May I request the ability to trigger a SQL Server 2005 backup - thereby avoiding the hassle of having to log in to the control panel every night.
  2. Sorry, that's what I meant - I'd like to request this development of your web service. :)
  3. mjp


  4. I was going to ask for exactly the same thing as wibble. I stumbled on to the DiscountASP.NET API while doing my database backup. You guys are definitely moving in the right direction. Database backups would be a great addition!

    Keep up the great work.
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Yeah... if we see good response with this project, we'll definitely add more functions into the next release of the API.

    So guys and gals... get us some feedback.


  6. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    we deliberately only allow a single file name. We do not want user to stack up all these backup on their website.


  7. Same here, ability to create a backup from within y webapp would be awesome. In the meantime, do you think you could automatically increment the backup filename? I have to either download and delete the previous backup or rename it in order to create a new one, meaning i have to launch my ftp software as well.
    Also, would it be possible to specify a backup filename via the api, should it be available in the future?
  8. Please, this functionality is needed and would be very useful. We could then runour own scheduled task to backup the dband ftp the backup file to a local copy all in one shot every night.
  9. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    thank you for your suggestion, we will seriously consider this function with the next release of the API.

    Thanks again.


  10. I too would love this functionality to be added to the Client API! It's going to be tiring to have to log in every night and perform the backup, and then pull it off the site. Anything you can do to help with this part would be fantastic!

    Keep up the great work! You guys are awesome!


    [​IMG]Ha! I just love this one....
  11. In case you're counting the need for auto SQL backups, I'm in a great need for that too. Naming the file or stamping it with the current datetime will make it possible to make more frequent backups that can be downloaded to a backup location using FTP on a, say weekly basis.

  12. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    hehe.. this really looks like a popular feature that many of you wanted.

    we'll try to figure this out w/ the next release of the API.


  13. I'd also like to see the SQL backupfeature. What's the current status on releasing the next version of the API?

    Thanks, Christoph
  14. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Hard to give a timeframe right now. The product team is working on their pipeline for 2007. Lots of projects to work on and in the works. But among the projects issome API improvements.

  15. I hope it's not too late to jump on the "Me Too" bandwagon. [​IMG]

  16. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We have plan for an enhancement on the API sometime this year.


  17. just to let you know that I'm with this 'gang', and I would really apreciate a way to run the Backup tool instead of having to do it manually (really pain in the ... if you want to do it everyday), I have a post it in my screen to see if I dont forget to do it, but still, I foret that several times :-(

    Chers from Denmark
  18. Try creating a storeprocedure or a scheduled job on your local database to perform a export/import of our database on our db server to your local db, then you can create a scheduled job on your local db to perform a backup.
  19. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

  20. lovely !

    thank you soooo much for this, this is a time saver!

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