We use the RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider to encrypt the connection strings in web.config. Our private key is in a key locker on the server. All of this was accomplished by following the KB instructions. We would like to use the key pair for some other encryption tasks. I assume this is possible. I've tested retrieving the key with the sample code in the link below but can't get it to work: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/tswxhw92(v=vs.85).aspx Sample code from this page: public static void GetKeyFromContainer(string ContainerName) { // Create the CspParameters object and set the key container // name used to store the RSA key pair. CspParameters cp = new CspParameters(); cp.KeyContainerName = ContainerName; // Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider that accesses // the key container MyKeyContainerName. RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(cp); // Display the key information to the console. Console.WriteLine("Key retrieved from container : \n {0}", rsa.ToXmlString(true)); }