Root Web for Self Registration

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Eric1, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. How can I place a file such as "self-registration" in the root web? How do I place a file in the root web. Is that a function I can do or do you have to do that?I want to use self registrationin FP prior to entering a page.
  2. This is an extremely vague question, I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about.

    Are you refering to a registration form that would require a user to authenticate before logging into your site? This is a fairly complicated application that you will either have to download and install onto your website or have one custom built.

    Joel Thoms
  3. This form would allow web visitors to create their own accounts for Browse access to a FP web. An HTML form would gather the info. The Registration component adds the user name and password to the web's authentication database and uses the save results component to to store submitted data for other uses. I think it is known as the FP registration component in MS FP 2003. So I am told the file is to be placed in the root Web, but how does one go about placing it there?
  4. This is more than just adding a file. You need to create some sort of data storage, either a sql database a text file, xml file. Some place to keep this information. Then you need to create an html form to accept the data you wish to store in this database. After creating this html form to accept the data, you will need to create a form processor to process the data entered in from the form and shove it into the data storage.

    Then you could create an optional management section that would allow you to give and restrict access from the users who have entered their account info into the original form.

    Now after you've created this you'll need to create a second form to validate the user (user/password form). and a validation processor that will read from the data storage to perform "validation".

    After you've created both of these, you will need to create some sort of mechanism (there are many different types) that will check the user/pass of the user that is logged in and either permit or deny them access to the areas you wish to restrict.

    Joel Thoms
  5. Joel... Thanks for the information. One part of my question that you did not answer was...Where is the root web on our server? and, How does one place a file in it?
  6. Joel, as a brand-new user, I'm also interested in discovering how to place a successfully uploaded webpage into the "directory root". By "successfully", I mean that the webpage is sitting outside of any remote site folders when viewed from my vantage point at Visual Studio 2005. When viewed from the Web Application Tool inside the DiscountAsp control panel, I see a "/htdoc" and a few other folders like cgi, bin, etcetera. But they have no meaning.

    I've reviewed "Q10181 - HOWTO: What is the Web Application Tool and how do I use it?" and it doesn't make any sense, especially when it talks about "Improper use of this tool can render your website nonfunctional." How is one to know what improper use is?

    I've also reviewed "Q10364 - HOWTO: How do I deploy a Visual Studio 2005 web project from my local computer to DiscountASP.NET servers". I'm okay up through number eight (8). But the last step, number nine (9) has me stymied.

    I believe the bottom line is that number nine lacks specificity. And should be broken-out into however many steps are required of the new user to accomplish this generic step. Item number nine reads "Log into your control panel and enable the directory as a web application root using the Web Application tool."

    This item is too obscure for the new user.

    In my own terms, I would like to know how to make a webpage show-up as the Prime page. I have a webpage on AspDiscount. To see it, you have to enter the following:

    I'd like to know how, in practical steps, how do you make OutyMenuNewTags.aspx the very first thing you see when you enter
  7. Ok, for example, my "web root" or "directory root" (same thing) for is /<myusername>/.

    If i upload a file /<myusername>/test.aspx it will appear at

    Web Application tool is for developers (or for installing certain applications that require this). If you don't know what this is, chances are you don't need it. All it does is isolate web.config settings, application and session variables and other stuff like that. Chances are that you don't need it.

    Step 9 is if you create an "application" on your website (using visual studio) like this If you do this with visual studio and need to isolate all your settings, then you will need to enable "MyNewApplication" as a "web application" in the control panel.

    It is best to just install your website in the webroot (example: and not

    If you want OutyMenuNewTags.aspx to be the first page people see, rename it to default.aspx

    Joel Thoms
  8. Thank you. I've renamed "OutyMenuNewTags.aspx" to "default.aspx". And copied it to the remote site.

    Now, when we key-in and enter "go", the result is still a default page that reads:

    "Welcome To DiscountASP.NET If you can see this default page, then your site is setup!
    You can begin to upload your site and remove this index.aspx file."

    But when we key-in, we see the default page we just uploaded. The one that had been OutyMenuNewTags.aspx.

    How do you get rid of the default page and replace it with the one you want?
  9. you should see that file in the same directory your default.aspx file is. it should be index.asp, just remove it.

    Joel Thoms
  10. Thank you, Joel. Using Visual Studio Developer to remove index.asp from the remote site worked fine. When we go to a firefox or ie browser, then, entering results in the default.aspx webpage being displayed.

    So,to summarize for the new user, item number 9 in thehelp file "Q10364 - HOWTO: How do I deploy a Visual Studio 2005 web project from my local computer to DiscountASP.NET servers" could be enhanced by including the following text:

    a) if you want to upload a webpage, name your webpage "default.aspx", then

    b)upload it to the remote site, then

    c) delete the item named "index.asp".

    Could you please pass this along to the procedures-writing team for enhancement? Or should I write a ticket in the ticket system?
  11. Following on the tisnew comment he named his page default.aspx and that page is in the root web and represent his domain name.If you wanted to add another page to the root web, it is placed where? If he creates other pages then they will be default.aspx/whatever.aspx. Is whatever.aspx considered to be in the root web?
  12. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    You can find the server path to your site in the Control Panel Account Information section.


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