Russian Content Spam - What to do?

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by Cheerincoll, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. Hi,

    Has anyone run into any problems with Russian bots trying to put up content spam? Short of redirecting by IP to a 404 page, is there anything better to do?

    Here is an example of something I've seen a lot of lately. This is a simple registration form that keeps erroring out due to malicious requests.

    System.Exception: Error in: /landing/Cheerleading-Blog-Buck-Dossey.aspx Url: /landing/Cheerleading-Blog-Buck-Dossey.aspx Error Message: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (ctl00$cphModuleContent$pmCheerleading$ibtnSubmit="<A href=http://hkkfd..."). Error Source: System.Web Error Target Site: Void ValidateString(System.String, System.String, System.String) QueryString Data: ----------------- Post Data: ---------- __VIEWSTATE: /wEPDwUKMTg0MzA1MTc2NQ9kFgJmD2QWAgIDD2QWAgIBD2QWAgIDD2QWAgIDDw8WBB4HVG9vbFRpcAUPQ2xpY2sgdG8gTG9nIEluHgRUZXh0BQZMb2cgSW5kZBgBBR5fX0NvbnRyb2xzUmVxdWlyZVBvc3RCYWNrS2V5X18WAQUwY3RsMDAkY3BoTW9kdWxlQ29udGVu ctl00$cphModuleContent$pmCheerleading$txtFirstName: ovtnsulcir ctl00$cphModuleContent$pmCheerleading$txtLastName: ovtnsulcir ctl00$cphModuleContent$pmCheerleading$txtEmail: [email protected] ctl00$cphModuleContent$pmCheerleading$ibtnSubmit: (truncated)



    Post Edited By Moderator (mjp) : 6/26/2007 2:07:52 AM GMT
  2. mjp


    captcha probably won't help. These may look like bots, but a lot of them are people, sitting in front of keyboards in digital age boiler rooms, who are paid by the post. Sad but true. I delete 100 to 150 spam sign-ups from one forum that I manage every day. I have something in place to trap their posts, so they are never seen, but they continue to try. Which makes sense I guess, since that's how they get paid.

    Good luck. It's just a fact of life for any kind of interactive site now.


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