Salescart.NET shopping cart: Is anyone using this on

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by netconnection, Sep 3, 2007.

  1. We are having problems getting the Salescart.NET shopping cart to run on
    Specifically, we are getting this error message:

    Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'CSimpleAdo' is not defined.</o:p>
    Source Error:</o:p>
    Line 30: </o:p>
    Line 31: SQLStmt = "INSERT INTO [order] (IP, Merchant) VALUES('" &amp; ipaddress &amp; "', " &amp; MerchantID &amp; ")"</o:p>
    Line 32: SimpleAdo = New CSimpleAdo</o:p>
    Line 33: SimpleAdo.setConnectionString = Session("ConnectionString")</o:p>
    Line 34: Status = SimpleAdo.ExecuteInsertUpdate(SQLStmt)
    As an experiment, we deleted all the DLLs from the bin folder, but still got the same error message. This makes me wonder if the Salescart application is having problems accessing the bin folder. </o:p>
    To reproduce the error, click "Add to Cart" on any product on the following page:</o:p></o:p>
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Why is the shop1.aspx under the cgi-bin directory? If this is one application, it should be under /mall directory.


  3. I can't tell you why shop1.aspx is in the cgi-bin folder, other thanbecause that'sthe way the Salescart programmers designed it. Salescart installs asa Frontpage plug-in, and the folders and files are generated automatically. The programmersalso put42 GIF and JPEG images in the cgi-bin folder as well, which strikes me as odd. That's the last place I would put images, because of permission issues.
  4. There is no reason for an ASP.NET application to not find the Bin folder.Also, removing the dll's wont resolve the issue.
    From the error message,it looks like the error is from the page 'GetOrder.aspx ' .It seems that you are missing a reference to the namespace of the class 'CSimpleAdo'
    in the 'GetOrder.aspx' page.


  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I am ont familiar with but having the page in another application definitely is weird.

    I recommend you contact people to see what the problem is.



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