Schedule Task

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by albanello, Sep 5, 2006.

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  1. Hi

    I want to run a MSSql Data base update.

    1) Is the "Schedule Task" Tool discountASP offers what I need to use ?
    2) if yes do I create a web page, the "Schedule Task" will call, that does the Database update ?
    If No Suggestion are welcomed !

    Thanks in advance

  2. I haven't tried their Scheduled Task feature but yes if you create a page that can update your database that tool should work for you, claims to run up to 2 tasks and that it can work with password protected url's.
  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    With the scheduled task manager, the service makes a HTTP to the page you specified. It will act as if someone actuallly hit that page with the browser.

    One thing to keep in mind though, the scheduled task service do not follow redirection.


  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    1) When you say "the scheduled task service do not follow redirection" do you mean that the page that is call by the scheduled task manager can not redirect to another page ?

    > Exactly.

    2) Is there a command to end the scheduled task session?

    > There's no such thing because it just makes a HTTP connection.

    3) What is the difference between the two selections of the url is there benifits with one over the other ?

    > I recommend you use the Alternative URL because it will always work.

    4) Is the page called by the scheduled task managed place in the root or can it be in a subdirectory ?

    > the page can be placed anywhere in your site. Just make sure you put in the right path.

    5) Is there someplace that documents the use of the scheduled task Manager or is it so simple I'm the only one that has to ask questions ? I searched in the discountASP forums and could not find anything.

    > nothing much has been written about this tool because it is rather straight forward.


  5. Bruce and wisemx

    Thank you for your reply.

    I have some questions I hope they are not to dumb:
    1) When you say "the scheduled task service do not follow redirection" do you mean that the page that is call by the scheduled task manager can not redirect to another page ?
    2) Is there a command to end the scheduled task session?
    3) What is the difference between the two selections of the url is there benifits with one over the other ?
    4) Is the page called by the scheduled task managed place in the root or can it be in a subdirectory ?
    5) Is there someplace that documents the use of the scheduled task Manager or is it so simple I'm the only one that has to ask questions ? I searched in the discountASP forums and could not find anything.

    Thanks again

  6. Bruce

    Thank you for your reply. I will be trying the Scheduled Task this week. Bruce nothing is straight forward to someone that has never used something. Item 3 is a example of that. Im just trying to determine the requirements for its use so I can minimize the problems withimplementation. I really appreciate you answering my questions.

    Thanks again

  7. Bruce

    Are you still there ?

    I have another questions, after looking closer at the Scheduled Task:

    1)I want the end date to be forever should I leave it blank or put in01/02/2999.

    Thanks again


    Post Edited (albanello) : 9/8/2006 5:41:34 PM GMT
  8. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I believe you have to put some date in the end date field.


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