Scheduled task last run next run

Discussion in 'Getting started' started by glaciermou1, Mar 25, 2020.

  1. I have a scheduled task that i set to run every 15 minutes. It seems to be working. But questions:
    1. The Control Panel shows the "Last Run" and "Next Run" are 1/2 hour apart rather than 15 minutes apart. Eg, I look at 13:20, the Last Run shows 13:00 rather than 13:15. I know that it's running every 15 minutes because it's sending me email confirmations with the Now() date-time. (Similarly, tasks schedule on the half-hour show last and next an hour apart, rather than a half hour apart)

    2. So if the Control Panel shows that Last Run was 20 minutes ago (when i expect it to say 5) what does the "Last Result" indicate? The displayed "Last Run" or the actual last run?

    3. (Enhancement) When i want to disable a scheduled job i have to edit the task, which seems reasonable. When i un-click/clear the "Enabled" box i also have to change the "Start Date" and time, which also seems reasonable. But the start date i see in the box may be hours, days, months in the past - not useful. It would be handy if the start date shown is the next run date, which means i can just unclick "Enabled" and "Submit". Similarly it would be nice when i come back to enable the task the "Start Date" shows the very next time slot, so that i can just click "Enable" and "Submit"

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