Secure download

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by tapagenoctu, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. I would like to provide a link to that file without giving the real url.

    For example download.aspx?efzkfpkzeofeokzpfkzefpz instead of Download/myfile.file.
    More over, the link download.aspx?efzkfpkzeofeokzpfkzefpz should be only available for 10min or so.

    Is it possible?

    Thanks beforehand
  2. Yes there are many ways you can do this in ASP.NET 2

    If the method I use here will work for you PM me and I'll send you some code:

    I do a similar thing here that pulls up 3D files and images fromseparate locations, for Member tests:

    Note: SDKNuts is an international 3D community hosted by DASP.
  3. I anyone else need it, it is in fact very easy:


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