Secure website publishing

Discussion in 'Visual Studio' started by rha, Jun 7, 2006.

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  1. rha


    To date I have been able to publish my website with the following methods

    a) VS2005 Copy Website (both http/https) fine.

    b) Cute FTP: ftp works fine, but ftps isn't supported and https connections are disconnected and when it connects I see what I can only presume is my website's cached pages - not sure why, but it's not particularly important?

    c) VS2005 Publish Website, with http (-but presume https would work) worked once but it didn't work the second time because I'm guessing it messed up the IIS directory permissions because they had to be reset afterwards.

    I used the default options, i.e. ?Allow this precompiled site to be updatable?.

    d) Also interested in people's experiences with pre-compiling their websites with and uploading the executables to the /bin directory.

    I would prefer to use either (c) or (d) for several reasons, like checking the website compiles and is consistent and protects the source code, but have been using (a) with https because it is secure (https) and works every time, even if it is relatively slow compared to (b).

    Your thoughts and insights would be appreciated.
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    we have many users using pre-compiled website.

    Precompiled website has several advantages

    1) at some level, it protect the source code

    2) it loads a little quicker.


  3. rha


    Slightly disappointed with the lack of response. Surely there must be some webmasters who have published pre-compiled web apps and are willing to share their experiences.

    Well I'm going to try pre-compiling my website, moving the files to my local /bin directory and then using VS2005 'Copy Website', because it works with https, to copy all the executables directly to the remote /bin file and see if that works as expected...!?
  4. rha


    Thanks for the reply and I appreciate the advantages, which also include that large web apps remain consistent.

    I guess what my original post was trying to ask in a round-about way was:

    'What is the best way to upload a pre-compiled web app, in which you can use https (-because using http/ftp would negate some of the benefits) and works everytime (-doesn't mess up the IIS directory settings, which VS2005 Publish Website appears to do)?'
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    well.. you can use HTTPS if you enable FP extension.

    At this stage, Secure FTP is not supported by Microsoft.


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