server side deletion of Deleted Items email

Discussion in 'Email' started by philos, Feb 18, 2010.

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  1. Do you support the removal of email from the server after the email is deleted by the user is his/her Personal Foler mailbox? when the following checkbox is checked:

    Outlook2007>Tools>Account Settings>(highlight user account)>Change>More Settings>Advanced>Delivery>Remove from server when deleted from ‘Deleted Items’

    the user’s deleted email is not removed from the account on the server. the user must then go out to the webmail site and manually delete the email. is there a fix for this?

  2. mjp


    That's not really a server issue, it's an Outlook issue.

    Once the message is read it should not be downloaded again. Note that the control you mention requires deletion from the "deleted items" folder as well as the original destination folder.
  3. thanks very much, you were right, the user deleted items were not yet deleted. however, the email that the user archived locally still remain in the user inbox on the server. is there a way to remove those archived emails from the inbox on the server? otherwise, a periodic cleanup would need to occur manually on the server (webmail) side.
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  5. when logged in as the administrator's account in smarter mail, i don't find a location where i can change the default auto-clean settings. in folder "Folder Auto-Clean", in the "Options" tab, i have "use default auto-clean settings" checked and nothing else. in the "Folders" tab, the page is blank. where do i set the default auto-clean settings?
  6. mjp


    Try logging in using the link in Control Panel - SmarterMail Management Login as Primary Admin.

    That user will always have the "Override auto-clean settings for this domain" option.
  7. yes, that is the way i logged in. there is the option for "Override auto-clean settings for this domain", but i don't want to override the settings, i want to set the default settings.
  8. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    There's no default auto clean rule. If you want to setup autoclean, you have to first override the default setting (which has no rule)
  9. worked perfectly, thank you!
  10. mjp


    Persistence pays off! ;) Glad it worked out.
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