Service Unavailable Error 503

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by AkoJo, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. Hi Mark,

    I only have one app and that is hosted here on shared hosting, it's asp .net 2.0 application.

  2. OK...This through me off:

    "By all accounts the problem is caused by Asp .Net 1.1 apps and Asp .Net 2.0 apps sharing the same application pool."

    So I'm guessing you already have created individual applications for folders, correct?
    And the error shows up jumping from application folders on the site once users are using some sort of tracing?

    Note: I do know these sort of things can drive you nuts. [​IMG]

    Technical Evangelist for DiscountASP.NET
  3. Service Unavailable

    Thats what it looks like, not very helpfull at all, [​IMG] apparently it is a generic 503 error.

    I usually get it when google adwords is blanketting the net with ads, bringing paid punters to my site, this is what I am paying for; Service Unavailable.

    I've chased hundreds of threads on the error and tried more than a few supposed solutions but to no avail, heres one such thread

    By all accounts the problem is caused by Asp .Net 1.1 apps and Asp .Net 2.0 apps sharing the same application pool.

    There are some good insights into the cause of the 503 error, which actually disguises another error, on this thread error being masked by the 503 is Application pool 'DefaultAppPool' is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application pool."

    I really don't know what is the right and the wrong in all of this, I don't even know if I have access to the error logs, thats why I posted here on my webhost's own forum. I did contact support on this a few times and they told me that my application recycled. I guess thats what happens when you get a 503. Of course as soon as the app recycles the pool is cleared and all is well; for a while, untill it happens again...

    Any insight greatly appreciated. [​IMG]
  4. re: So I'm guessing you already have created individual applications for folders, correct?

    I'm not really sure what you mean[​IMG] The site has been running for a year or more, no problems, get approximately 4000 unique visitors each day, but over the past 3 months have been getting service unavailable more and more frequently, maybe a dozen times yesterday myself personally, I don't know how many times other users are getting the 503 error. The site was written using VWDE 2005, to push production files I simpy define the ftp location and choose 'synchronise site'

    re: And the error shows up jumping from application folders on the site once users are using some sort of tracing?

    The 503 error show up anywhere and at anytime, it is a generic error that is displayed when a web app is recyling and a user attempts a request.

    The question is 'Why is the app recycling so often, for no apparent reason'?

    I would be really interested to know just how many times my app has recycled in the last 24 hours, but I am unsure how to obtain that information.

  5. Perhaps you are right Mark, maybe getting too big for the dotnetplayground, will investigate dedicated hosting options; thanks for your time.

  6. Hi,
    Something that may help is the new Health Monitoring features in the most recent ASP.NET updates.

    Here's the library for the ASP.NET 2 version:

    And the updated versions:

    As for my comment about applications for folders, I meant the Apps you can create from your Control Panel.
    There are many instances where creating an app for a folder will resolve errors.

    You can search these forums for a lot of posts about application restarts.
    One of the major causes is if your app chews up too much in the way of server resources.
    You are after all on a Shared server with other webs. We all have to get along. [​IMG]

    Technical Evangelist for DiscountASP.NET
  7. mjp


    I see that your site is running on IIS 6 right now. Youmight consider migrating toone of ourWindows 2008/IIS 7 servers. You have twice the memory available on that platform, and if your application pool is recycling due to memory use that move could help. Just be sure your application works the way you want it to in IIS 7.

    If you have tested your site in Windows 2008 /IIS 7 and want to migrate, you can initiate the move here:
  8. Thank you mjp,

    I just checked my IIS version on my dev machine (7.0.6000.16389) and it seems that I am running version 7, so I will investigate your recomendation asap.


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