Service Unavailable

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Takeshi Eto, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

  2. Gus


    The server is down very often with the messge "Service Unavailable" these days. Is this problem only happening on my server or is it generalized to all users? This is not really convenient to say the least. [​IMG]
  3. Hi,

    I got this same error.

    The bad news is that I got it just after I uploaded my website as I sign up for dasp services. Well, my website was very unstable for 2 days and the support gave me some different answers.

    The site is now up for almost 24 hours and I hope the nightmare is over and I could get my addons.

    I really want to know why this happens, so I think we (affected users) should discuss this. I don't know about you, but my website can't be out for some hours as I can lose advertisers.

    My problem was access database deadlock. I checked my FTP and I had a .LDB file. My codes and database worked for years in 3 different hosting companies. So I think is hard to be it's fault. Anyway I corrected some unclosed DB connections.

    Did you (users) know why you got the service unavailable message ?

    see ya

    Post Edited (Pedro Cury) : 2/12/2005 8:27:33 PM GMT
  4. Access is not the most stable/preferable database used for the web - problem that often happens with Access is that it locks (hence the .LDB file) itself when somebody accesses it - sometimes, and this has even happened on the Quad Xeon i use at work, IIS has issues with releasing the lock on the database. This causes the .LDB file to stay there and making it unaccesible for others.

    You have to remember that Access only has a 5 concurrent connections documented as the stable load (granted you can use it in cases with more users).

    My preference, should i have to choose from using Access or XML as the datasource, i would swear by XML instead of Access. Access is not meant to be used for the web - it wasn't build for it and it simply just doesn't handle itself very well in this environment.

    If you have a business critical solution sitting, be smarter and add SQL Server to your hosting service. Don't rely Access (yes yes yes, i know it's cheaper)..actually...NEVER rely on Access for business critical solutions on the web.

    Anyways, back to the matter at hand, your unclosed DB connections was what deadlocked your Access database. IIS still reserved the resources for your connection and since you hadn't timed out it let it stand.

    So- didn't mean to come across offensive, i just don't like to see people use Access for web applications.

    Brian H. Madsen
    Microsoft SQL Server IG Perth - Organiser
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Thank god!!!

    Someone finally say it out loud...

    Most of the forum users knows that I hate MS Access but many think that I try to get them to pay more money to DASP, its good to hear it from someone else.

    Thx Brian /emoticons/lol.gif


  6. You're most welcome Bruce.

    I've unfortunately had to create enterprise size applications (even when i recommeded against it) with MS Access as the database backend. Shockingly but sometimes it's amazing what people will do to save a few $ up front. of course, in the long term you end up paying through your nose for maintenance, support, deployment and not to forget development.

    No, i would definitely never recommend using MS Access for anything other than single client applications or as a data storage application (contacts, exporting, converting etc).

    Brian H. Madsen
    Microsoft SQL Server IG Perth - Organiser
  7. Hi,

    I use SQL Server and get the "Service Unavailable" message. Dasp looked into this a couple of weeks ago and increased the number of concurrent users two-fold. There isn't usually more than 3-4 users hitting the site at any one time, but this seemed to help until this morning (GMT 09:00) when the problem has reoccured and has been reported by frustrated customers. [​IMG]

  8. de


    Very interesting discussion. I am running a site off multiple access databases. I have about 10 accounts with discountasp and never have had a crash or problem until recently with one of my sites that has begun getting some traffic. When the "Service Unavailable" began to happen, dAsp increased my concurrent connections as well. This did not solve the problem and the server crashes continued. Next DASP suggested that I switch from ODBC to OLEDB connections. Since then things have gotten much worse and I have been sifting through hundreds of pages of code trying to find where connections haven't been closed. The server was hanging up constantly. I thought I had fixed the offending code because my server stayed up for over 24 hours. Currently it is on "Service Unavailable" status again. I am prepared to pay for SQL but I am wanting some re-assurance that this will solve the problem and that there isn't some other resource (like CPU) that will have problems with traffic. Steve, you say you are using SQL and received the same message? this is not reassuring.

    Can anyone tell me if SQL has the same problem with un-closed connections?

    Does anyone here have MSSQL running with a fair amount of traffic and no "Service Unavailable" errors, with everything running smoothly?

    I am using ASP and not .net at this point. I wonder if that has anything to do with these problems.

    Anyway, I don't know whether I had a question or comment here, but I do know that I am having a lot of frustration!!!!

    Any advice, comments?


  9. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    MS Access is evil when your database size gets big or if your site gets a lot of traffic. This is especially true for ASP application.

    Access is a file based database and is NOT designed for use with multiple connections. The error you are seeing is probably cause by the fact that one of the thread locked up the database and do not release it. All other threads will sit idle to wait for the lock to release. When this happens, all your conncurrent connection will be used by eventually and thus cause the 'service unavailable' error.

    As for MS SQL, if you leave too many opened connections, problem will still occur. It is much less likely that it will get into a deadlock state though.


  10. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Please send in a support ticket as this can be caused by many things.

  11. I already opened the tickets, but they cannot seem to find any problems. Thats because our concurrent connection size was too low. They increased it to 50 now, but still this is low compared to some other sites which allow much more than 50 concurrent users . A number of users were being rejected with the "Service Not Available" message.

    We are anticipating lot of traffic in the coming days and if there is a way to increase this further(even with a paid option), please let me know.


  12. Hi guys,

    I didn't check this topic after 5-10 days from posting...

    Well, after 1+1/2 month I'm in the following situations:

    - I have no more deadlocks. I checked every single line of code for unclosed connections. It seems my past unclosed connections were really locking MS Access.
    - Still have service unavailable

    Yes... this is really bad. I don't know how many users I'm losing. I have a lot of traffic and I often get Service Unavailable. It got better since I don't have deadlocks and after 2 or 3 refreshs the service is available....

    But anyway.... It would be great to have no service unavailables at all. Like someone said, SQL Server is not the miracle solution.... so let's keep searching...
  13. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    like i said before, service unavailable is a generic iis error. I can't possibly tell you what exactly is going on until we look at the server log.

    i suggest you create a support ticket



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