setting up mail with snitz forum

Discussion in 'Email' started by, Jan 13, 2009.

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  1. I set up a snitz forum for my site recently. My mail is not working properly with it however, and I think it's because I do not know my mail settings exactly. Was wondering if anyone has experience with this and can help me out.

    It is asking me for: E-Mail Component
    Options are: ASPEmail, CDOSYS, JMail 3.x, JMail 4.x

    asking for: E-Mail Server Address

    asking for: Administrator Address

    Thanks Everyone
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Email component: either CDOSys or JMail 3.x should work
    email server address: localhost
    adminstrator address: whatever address you want to use.


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