I am using the IIS 7 console and have successfully created the directory we wish to have a basic members log in area, then we can go from there...BUT however everything seems to be disabled in the IIS 7 or in a read only state concerning .net roles, I am also not allowed to enable the Forms authentications for this directory either. I assume the server is blocking for security reasons, or there might be a misconfiguration in the web config file. The only areas in the security settings in IIs7 that I can see are enabled is the Authentication settings, EXCEPT the forms, and the Authentication rules, everything else is read only and I keep getting alerts. Much appreciated if a little assistance can be thrown my way PLB
PLB, if I understand correctly I think your problem is because you can't have bothForms and Windows authentication enabled on the same application in IIS7 integrated mode. I'm guessing IIS7 is disabling all the Forms related stuff because you've got Windows auth already enabled, although I haven't played around w/ the console much. I just started to set up my IIS7 site after having run a dev version in IIS6 w/ dual authentication and was glad I ran across this article before it was too late: http://mvolo.com/blogs/serverside/archive/2008/02/11/IIS-7.0-Two_2D00_Level-Authentication-with-Forms-Authentication-and-Windows-Authentication.aspx
Nope that is not the issue, Something else. I'm not even showing any access to the forms Authentication, it says it is locked or read only and is disabled. They are not enabled and it is not accessible through the IIs 7 panel that is what I have found. I didn't want forms on and they are not that is fine. I am trying to add users and it is a no go, so went around for now by creating ftp access group for memebers, will go from there. NOTE: I should have full access to settings through IIS 7 where authentications, and users and net roles are concerned, and I am not so that is what I am trying to figure out, might be a tech question rather than forum. PLB thanks
There are many things that can go wrong with configuring the membership provider. Can you post the relevant parts of your web.config? Also check your Connection Strings. You should have an entry called LocalSqlServer. If not, add one that connects to your SQL database. This connection string name is used by the default membership provider. Then you can enable Forms Authentication and add .NET Users. But you must also disable Basic Authentication as they cannot be enabled at the same time. You might also want to check out this knowledgebase article on how to setup the membership provider from scratch: https://support.discountasp.net/KB/a337/how-to-configure-aspnet-20-membershiproles-provider.aspx Aristotle DiscountASP.NET www.DiscountASP.NET