Setting up WebMail for another domain

Discussion in 'HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS' started by ralphk, May 14, 2004.

  1. Hello,

    Has anyone been successful in setting up SquirrelMail (or any other FREE Web Mail software) for another domain? If someone can help guide me through the setup process, I would appreciate it.


    Ralph Karam
  2. I am very interested in doing this too. I tried squirrelmail, but it required running a shell script to complete the install process.
  3. I just downloaded from and I realized that you do not actually need to run a perl install program. They mention that it is optional in their install instructions.

    Just extract the zip file and then open


    the most important value to change is
    $imapServerAddress = '';

    and then you can change

    $domain = '';

    and just upload all the files via ftp and it works!

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