Hello, Has anyone been successful in setting up SquirrelMail (or any other FREE Web Mail software) for another domain? If someone can help guide me through the setup process, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Ralph Karam
I am very interested in doing this too. I tried squirrelmail, but it required running a shell script to complete the install process.
I just downloaded squirrelmail-1.4.3a.zip from http://www.squirrelmail.org/download.php and I realized that you do not actually need to run a perl install program. They mention that it is optional in their install instructions. Just extract the zip file and then open squirrelmail-1.4.3a\config\config.php the most important value to change is $imapServerAddress = 'email.something.com'; and then you can change $domain = 'something.com'; and just upload all the files via ftp and it works!