Show Discountasp.Net SQL Server Customers Databases BY Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio tools

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by JorgeR, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. JorgeR

    JorgeR DiscountASP.NET Staff

    SQL 2005 does not make it easy for a hosting environment to setup a database where you are the only one ( the SQL user) that is able to see the database. There is no security risk with this setting as you will not be able to access other customers databases.



  2. Show Discountasp.Net SQL Server Customers Databases

    by Microsoft sql server managment studio tools as (GUI) you can see all sql server customers databases by these proc.

    1- open microsoft sql server 2005 software
    2- go to microsoft sql server management studio tool
    3- show window fill these parameters:
    a. server type:database engine
    c.Authentication:SQL server athentication
    login name:USER_NAME
    4- go to option and change these parameters: Network Section change network connection from drop list control to :TCP/IP packet size to any size i used 4076 Byte depended communication baudrate in your network
    c.connection time out any seconds
    5- and go to Connect Button

    you will see all CUSTOMERS DATABASES !
    there are now 707 DATABASES !


    Without using SQLCM Tool it work with Dos prompt Envirement
  3. when i used microsoft sql server 2006 management studio tool to connect my database
    with (sql server) i see under database node under the root all customers objects
    707 objects
    705 customers databases and one database snapshots and system databases
    and i used microsoft sql (DTS - TOOLS) for data translation services to export and import my tables object to my database i did not used from my control panel ( attachment tool ) (.mdf )
    may be it was a gap or bug in your security sql server setting to prevent remotely connection port
    i don't have more experience with the SQL Server security........

  4. mjp


    Yes, you see them, but as Junior pointed out, you can't do anything with them. It is not a security issue. You will find the same thing at any shared host.

  5. True indeed...
    When I log into one of my old customers SQL Server on Interland I see 474 DB's in SQL Server 2005.
    And yes...I can only access the ones I have been given access to.
    Poses no more of a security risk than a typical DNS lookup.
  6. mjp [DASP] said...
    Yes, you see them, but as Junior pointed out, you can't do anything with them. It is not a security issue. You will find the same thing at any shared host.

  7. Hi wisemx
    yes i can only access one my database but before sended the post !!!!
    can you using the procedures NOW a gain ????? So Why ????

    Falah G.S
  8. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I am not sure i follow you. We didn't do anything to our servers for the past few weeks.



  9. Hi Forum Admin.

    With my best greetings for all forum members and for DASP SQL Server Administartor>>>

    so ,i want from you to wait one weekin order to write big post about every thingsof DASP SQL Server Security Bugs and publishing into this

    forum about :

    1- DASP Sql Server Properties

    2- DASP Sql Server Customers's Database Name With Prefix Their Name for database

    3- DASP Sql Server General information

    4 -=============== about memeory

    5--===============about database setting

    6--================ about database permmission

    7- =================about how to run sql script to create any tables and views in my database object with using upload and attachment tool

    in my control panel

    8-================== about login user permissions

    9-=================about using Sql Script run into DASP SQL Servers

    with capture images to my procetures into your servers to sened to you


    Falah G.S

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