Silverlight 2 beta 2 step by step to deploy to DASP

Discussion in 'Silverlight' started by tcorneto, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Has anyone accomplished this yet? If so can you post your steps?

    1. I created a default "SilverTestAPP" in Blend 2.5 June 2008 Preview / Visual Studio 2008
    2. Local folder structure is reflected in attached screen shot

    Any idea on where to go from here? FTP the files up but where exactly should they live?



    Attached Files:

  2. Ta da [​IMG] (Good job.)
  3. You can learn a lot about these files at the site.

    In the first shot those are your project files, don't share those on the server.
    Next is the files used for the page that VS and Blend are sharing for a canvas, it's all xml and code.
    Lastly are the compiled files Silverlight 2 creates with the HTM page that you can test them with.
    That XAP file is a Silverlight ZIP package.

    Hope that helps,
  4. wisemx thanks for the info. I can answer my own question now.

    1. Make sure you've compiled your silverlight project at least once so it creates the files in the debug folder.
    2. Copy the contents of the debug folder into the root of your DASP account.

    Couldn't be more simple. Enjoy

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