Silverlight 2 sockets working sample

Discussion in 'Silverlight' started by CrystalCMS, May 18, 2009.

  1. Continuing on with my Silverlight obsession..sorry interest, I've now developed a Silverlight 2 asynchronous socket application.

    Wildman originally expressed an interest in this functionality here and at that time one of my suggestions was to perform a cross domain socket connection to enable the Silverlight application to be hosted on discountASP.NET with the socket server hosted elsewhere.

    I've now proven this method and I have my working sample uploaded with a socket server streaming data in real-time over the internet. This was interesting work for me since I have a real-time systems background.

    Other interesting stuff I've included in this project is a port 943 client access policy socket server, Silverlight UI data binding and use of the chart component from the Silverlight 2 Toolkit (March 09 release).

    Source code is freely available for download as usual. Please visit my DASP hosted website for more information about this project, to run the sample and to download the source code. There are also a few other Silverlight projects that I have developed detailed on my website:
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    sweet.. thanks.
  3. hi,

    i am unable to locate the source code for this.
    Could you please pass on the exact location where the code would be available for study?

  4. The location for this project has moved here

    The page at this location includes a description of the code and there are also links at the bottom of the page to run the sample and download the source code. Please note that although the silverlight application is DASP hosted, the socket server is hosted on a server elsewhere to enable the TCPIP socket communication proof of concept.
  5. Thanks a lot. It helped a lot to understand.

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