Site critique

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by newbie, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. Hi Guys,

    my first proper full site although it is still under extensive development
    would you mind taking a look at

    login is a test

    username derek
    password seely

    any feedback appreciated,


  2. Graham, the password no longer works, so I guess feedback is closed.

    Anyway a fewthings you might do are:

    1. Remove the reset button, that's really for forms that edit data. Reset gets you back to the original data.

    2. Change the text 'Submit Query',which is the default text. Try: <input type="submit" value="Login" id="bt1" >

    3. Center the login box, its looks odd left justified.

  3. Hi Sampson,

    the login should work now, just had a check seems to be ok, adjusted the login page as per your suggestions and i agree it does look much better centered.


  4. Graham,

    your login is still not working ... check the username and p/w that you posted here

    the reg page - /addinguser.asp - could also use a little help. Try adding a tag before the table tag to move ittowards the center

    are there any more pages to look at?

  5. Graham,

    the password is fine. I need a reading lesson!

  6. Graham,

    OK. Now I'm looking at it.

    That redirect page with text needs to go!

    On .../mailinglist/default.asp it would be nice if you added a dynamic text box that displayed the user's existing email address from your database. With a little sql you can get the email and write it into the textbox with value="<%=rs("fieldName")%>" inside the tag.

    Also, there is no way of updating the other contact details. Maybe write them out on .../mailinglist/default.asp and allow user to update as needed.

    About all for now.

  7. Graham,

    Yes, sql statements work fine for Access.

    You will have an easier time if you remember to test each sql statement by writing it out to the browser after you typeit using something like: <% response.write "testMySqL: " &amp; sql &amp;"" %> where sql is the statement.

    Many of the runtime errors you will get can be traced back tomissing or wrong characters in the sql.

    Good luck!


  8. Sampson,

    the mailing list default.asp is just a front end, once you sign in it gives you all the other options such as changing details, its more for security than anything else.

    The redirects were just temporary while i got the site up and running.

    Ill have a go with the SQL statements (would they work on an access DB?)

    Cheers for all the feedback so far.

  9. Richard,

    I have sorted out the redirect pages, still having a prob with the SQL stuff, never really used it before, i have a post in the databases section regarding record pulling from seperate databases, do you know if this is possible.



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