Site Setup & Mail Notifications

Discussion in 'Email' started by Bruce, Oct 1, 2007.

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  1. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    If you are sending mail from your web application, switch the SMTP host to "localhost"


  2. Just had a firm upload/setup my CMS software on yourserver. Personnel doing the setup made the following observation(s):

    I did notice that the email notification features are not working. This would indicate that the "" mail server does not exist, or you do not have relay permission to send mail (SMTP) using" and the [email protected] account. Do you know if your hosting environment supports CDOSYS and what mail server can be used to send mail using ASP?

    Best regards
    Iatek Support

    Additionally, when I type in the URLor click on a refernce somewhere, I am constantly brought back to the DiscountASP page and not mines.

    Need advice/assistance.

    Best Regards,

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