Site Real Time Data Stream reviews welcome.

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by DZX, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. DZX


    Hi, this entire site is done with 1.1. the page is a Real Time data feed of the Servers resources. It is actually feeding the true values and displaying it in the browser without any page flickering or refresh.
    The server side code ( code-behind ) is VB.NET . and makes use of WMI Performance counters.
    Approximately 1000 milliseconds per pulse. The Size of the data sent to the browser and Received from postback, including session variables, viewstate and application level variables are fairly small, less than 2Kb per pulse.
    Although pulses in the sub-second ( millisecond ) rate are far too fast for humans, this is just a demonstration to show that it really can be done, and works very efficiently.

    I will try to add more demos and code samples!
    Happy Coding


    Post Edited (DZX) : 10/2/2005 6:26:05 AM GMT
  2. Very very cool! Looks like it is very well implemented. Nice use of technology. Are you making server requests with JavaScript to update the page without refreshing?
  3. DZX


    Thanks for checking it out!
    Yes Javascript is sent down the pipeline to interact with the httpXML DOM. Very similar to the "Client Call back" implemented in 2.0 .

  4. DZX


    You can view the Live Data Stream at using IE 6.0. We are in the process of beta testing for cross platform compatibility. If monitoring does not start - Please post your Browser Name/ Version and error message.

    The Data that you see on the page is the Actual values pulled from a remote server.
    Dual Xeon - Dedicated MS 2003 Server.
    As the data is streamed, the stats enginewhich is wired up to an MS SQL Database records the load metrics by fireing stored procedures during every pulse of the data stream, thus allowing us to not only calculate user based load handling, but also the efficiency of the database transactions.

    CPU % used
    Memory Free in M/B
    Network Stats
    - Bytes- sent & received
    - Packets - sent & received
    - Errors In Transmission
    etc... etc...

    This is only a fraction of the available information that can be monitored.
    Next monitoring implementation will pull MS-SQL Database performance values and display them in Real Time.
    Followed by ASP.NET / CLR performance values. If Anyone would like to see something in particular, feel free to let us know and we will do our best to get a sample going ASAP.

    For those of you who are not familiar with performance counters, they are the key to understandingnot only'Whats' goin on underneath the hood of your server, but also 'How' it is operating. Once you have some data collected, you can crunch it using SPSS or MatLab if you need mission critical results.

    Stay Tuned!

    Chuck Nemeth
    CMN Engineering

    Post Edited (DZX) : 10/2/2005 6:45:18 AM GMT

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