"Smart" Mail???

Discussion in 'Email' started by abajab2, Mar 3, 2008.

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  1. Well... apparently everybody loves Smart Mail but me.

    First was all of the NEW spam that I started receiving. After going through tech support I was told that this was to be expected as a result of moving to a new email system. It's not that I've never received spam before but I've never had to do as much work in marking things as spam only to have them come back without being marked as spam. Yes, I have set up filters and such and I am receiving less but Istill find myself lookingthrough the subject lines and addresses just to make sure that an email is not being sent to me from a company that wants to hire "architectural illustration services" and just maybe the system marked as spam.

    After going through tech support a number of times, they final message sent to me thatsaid something to the effect as, "...please be advise, you're the only customer reporting a problem with this." and then they closed the ticket. So I said to myself, "Okay... I'll just have todeal with this." But then I started discovering that people were sending me emails that wouldn't show up in my inbox for ten or fifteen minutes later. I can only assume that somehow Smart Mail is parsing it and trying to figure out how it should be marked. Prior to Smart Mail I would receive a customer's email as soon as they sent it while I was still talking to them on the phone and naturally, I don't want to have to ask a customer what "their" email is first before they send an email to me so that I can put them in my trusted senders list so I receive it while we're still talking on the phone. I've had to do this with a resent customer and luckely they liked me well enough that I was able to say to them, "I'll give you a call back in ten to twenty minutes from when I receive the email you just sent that contains the pictures of thebuildingthat you want me to look at."

    Even posting this issue to the forum is frustrating to me. All I can think of is that someone new climbed the ladder of success to the staff of discountasp.net only to fix something that wasn't broken.

  2. Hi Bruce, thanks for the reply,

    Yes I did enable the gray list and it did reduce the spam to a certain extent. However, my main concern is about how long it takes for an email that has just been sent to arive in my email. Perhaps that's what I should had focus my posting on because as I said, I can deal with hasel ofall the new spam if that's what it takes.

    Before Smart Mail, I would receive emails from senders faster than they would receive them from me because of my conection speed. Now... having to wait a long time to receive emails from my customers is not very professional when I can not receive that email while my customer and I are still speaking on the phone. I would bring this to the attention of tech support but I'm sure they would say that I, once again, amthe only customer of their's that is complaining about Smart Mail.
    A freind of mine who lives about twenty walking steps from my front office door called me and told me that he had sent me an email and was wondering why I had not replied. Being certain that he had just typed in the wrong email address, I walked over to his house and sent an email to myself from his computer. It did not show up until the next day.

    Receiving emails instantly is more important to my business having to deal with allthat extra spam. Which brings me back to my original question, "Why was something fixed that wasn't broke?" and another question is, "What is all the rave about how great Smart Mail is?"
    Very perplexed,

    Jeff Abbe
  3. Thank Bruce,

    That's what I need to know. I'll just disable the grey list.

  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Well... there's really no double edged sword.

    Greylisting is very effective against spam but you may not be getting email on a timely fashion. The delay actually depends on how frequent the sending mail server retries. In general, with greylisting, you can expect a 15 - 30 minutes delay.

    You can, though not recommended, you can disable greylist on a per email box basis. Again, this is the flexibilty you have w/ SmarterMail, if you don't want to sacrafice timely delivery, you can certainly disable greylisting.


  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    The "Mark as spam" in the SmarterMail interface is pretty much useless because we didn't enable the Baysian filter. Baysian filter is fairly useless now a day because spammer sends email containing garbage word to confuse the filter.

    The legacy email system has little flexibilty on how to handle spam and many of our customers are complaining about false positives. The backend technology that filter spam between the 2 systems are pretty much the same. Everything that's avaliable on the legacy system is also available on SmarterMail. The difference is that you can adjust how much weight you want to give on each filter.

    Most of our customer reported a major reduction of spam after the migration. In my own domain, the new mail system cut approximately 85% of the spam with greylisting enabled.

    Did you enable greylisting?

    You can adjust the weight on each filter in the smartermail web interface while logged in as admin.


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